Theodore's World: Loving This Sign!

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October 16, 2008

Loving This Sign!

Posted by Wild Thing at October 16, 2008 01:27 PM


I love it. My sentiments exactly. Free speech to these people is saying you agree with them. When you don't they try to shut you down.

Lock and load.

Posted by: Mark at October 16, 2008 02:27 PM

Posted by: Les at October 16, 2008 03:15 PM

Mark, your right, that is what free speech means to them and it is not right to keep us from speaking out.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 16, 2008 04:59 PM

Les, thank you for those they are great. Big smile.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 16, 2008 05:01 PM

I love it!

Especially since it says FOX interviewed people who walked a mile and a half and were waiting in line to stand and wait for Sarah for a few more hours. They didn't care, they were excited!

I finally got my voter's registration card today. I sent a change form in in August, and I was afraid I was being reverse ACORNed, but it came and I'm feeling like a somebody now.

Just saw an ex-FBI agent rip Obama's buddy Ayers and call for University of Illinois to look at (explain) why he's teaching somewhat impressionable minds. Key statement he made was tying Ayer's 2001 statement about "having not done enough" to that being the time he and Obama were on the Woods Fund Foundation together, and stating the obvious that it was unbelievable that Obama could not know that he'd said that.

This came about a half hour after Cavuto ended his show with his commentary directed to Obama. Basically he was calling him out for whining about FOX News not kissing his ass and insinuated he was thin skinned, what does that mean about his ability to handle difficult situations as a President.

Ugh, I don't even like to type "President" and "Obama" in the same paragraph together.

Oh, and don't miss Greta tonight, I think she's doing a special piece on Ayers including the ex-FBI agent or agents, not sure how many.

Posted by: Eden at October 16, 2008 05:42 PM

Eden, LOL this is funny how you said this. heh heh...
"I was afraid I was being reverse ACORNed"....

I am so glad you got your registration card.

Thanks for the info. about the ex-FBI agent and Ayers stuff.

Saw Greta's show too thank you.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 16, 2008 11:19 PM