Theodore's World: Gov.Sarah Palin Interview with Liberal Charlie Gibson Parts 1 and 2

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September 12, 2008

Gov.Sarah Palin Interview with Liberal Charlie Gibson Parts 1 and 2

Sarah Palin Interview with Charlie Gibson Part 1 of 2

Sarah Palin Interview with Charlie Gibson Part 2 of 2

Palin had a very brilliant answer when responding to Gibson's charge that she thinks the Iraq war is God's plan. She said:

"The reference there is a repeat of Abraham Lincoln's words when he said -- first, he suggested never presume to know what God's will is, and I would never presume to know God's will or to speak God's words.

But what Abraham Lincoln had said, and that's a repeat in my comments, was let us not pray that God is on our side in a war or any other time, but let us pray that we are on God's side.

That's what that comment was all about, Charlie."

Lou Dobbs on how Sarah Palin did: " I think Joe Biden better start hitting the books"

Wild Thing's comment............

Sarah Palin came across as smart, courageous, sophisticated, competent, prepared, and savvy.

Gibson came across as a Democrat Party partisan hack and a very ugly, nasty one at that.

Sarah Palin stood her ground. She did not allow this man to bully her--though he was trying to do so.

Sarah handled herself beautifully.

Charlie Gibson did not. Sarah Palin was authentic and real.

Charlie Gibson, on the other hand, blew his chance to have a meaningful interview and to explore who this woman is. It was nothing but a string of mostly meaningless 'gotcha' questions - all of which Sarah handled quite well.

Gibson is an elitist and he spent the whole interview looking down his nose and patronizing her.

What foreign policy experience does the Muslim Messiah have and why haven’t these slimeball reporters asked him those questions.???? IMO, Charlie Gibson is a biased horrible person who is showing his true Liberal colors! I’m disgusted by all these slimes. None of these buffoons are questioning the “community organizer’s” experience.

Charlie just didn't seem to get it. Terrorists bad, Charlie, once again, terrorists are bad. Those who fight terrorists and evil are GOOD. Did you need to ask Charlie or did you really not know?

You could see by her body language and the way she squinted her eyes that she was on to Gibson re the “gotcha” kind of questions. Sarah did not seem to let Gibson intimidate her. She sidestepped each and every one while wearing that smile on her face. You could see it in her eyes that she knew that he was trying to set her up and cause her to make a sound bite gaffe. It didn’t work out.

I think she did a great job.

Bottom line this was not an interview it was an interrogation!

This interview is supposed to air ABC Evening News, 20/20 on Friday ( tonight)

Just one more thing , this interview was done on the very day that Sarah and Todd's son was deployed. So adding that too to how she handled herself, it tells me Sarah can handle stress under pressure when it calls for being present and accounted for. FANTASTIC!

The following GOVERNORS have been elected PRESIDENT:

Thomas Jefferson
James Monroe
Martin Van Buren
Grover Cleveland
Theodore Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
James Polk
Andrew Johnson
Rutherford B Hayes
William McKinley
Woodrow Wilson
Calvin Coolidge
James Earl Carter
Ronald Wilson Reagan
William Jefferson Clinton
George Walker Bush

Posted by Wild Thing at September 12, 2008 04:55 AM


Gibson is a non-food biomass. He does for journalism what David Gergen does for hair styling.

Posted by: Rhod at September 12, 2008 05:03 AM

I liked how she constantly addressed him as "Charley". He tried to talk down to her but she wasn't having no part of it. I thought she was great.

Posted by: BobF at September 12, 2008 07:28 AM

I watched the Obama interview first, then Palin,'s--as I watched the Palin interview what came to me was that line from an old tuna fish commercial--"Sorry Charlie". She did great.

Posted by: tom at September 12, 2008 09:07 AM

Yes, Gibson is an interrogator and an asshole. He attacked and she answered his loaded questions skillfully. He expected her to hedge the answers or fall flat. Instead, Sarah Palin proved beyond doubt that she is knowledgable, articulate, intelligent and tough enough to handle the job of either Vice President or President. He tried to trip her up and instead gave her a boost.

F--- Charlie Gibson. His ilk are why I quit watching the news.

Posted by: TomR at September 12, 2008 11:32 AM

Thank you Tom. I almost lapsed into the vernacular myself. I truly loath that asshole!!!
For anyone especially Gibson to call themselves a journalist is a lie. He's just a Communist operative. Like that old tuna ad he hasn't got it, Sorry Charlie!!!

Posted by: Jack at September 12, 2008 12:20 PM

While I do not care for Gibson any more than the rest of you, I am rather pleased with his questions and methods BECAUSE it gives Sarah a golden opportunity to shine and to let everyone else know what a bunch of idiots most reporters are!! And shine she did!!!! I loved it when Gibson kept asking her about Israel taking out the nuke plants in Iran and she stuck to her guns and reiterated 3 times that "we can not 2nd guess" their actions!!! I think by the third time, Gibson either got the message or was so frustrated by her steadfast resolution that he gave up and changed the subject. This is the kind of determination and fortitude that this country needs and Sarah came through with flying colors!!!!!!!!! Comparing this interview with the Obama interview - THERE IS NO COMPARISON!!!! She blew the socks of of both Gibson and Obama!!! I can't wait to see her up against Biden!!! I hope the paramedics are standing by because Biden is going to need a blood transfusion when she gets done with him!!!!!

Posted by: John at September 12, 2008 01:43 PM

Out of idle curiosity how does a part time Senator and community activist (helping those that won’t help themselves) cut it over a Mayor(small town)
Governor of Alaska…You know what she has done. May I be so bold as to
ask what has he done, anyone, anyone, Bueller , Bueller????

Posted by: Tincan Sailor at September 12, 2008 02:58 PM

As much of an asshole as Charlie Gibson was (Gee, Charlie, why don't *you* tell us what *you* think the Bush Doctrine is), did Sarah Palin really do that well?

I do hope that she realizes that even the "professional" journalists (I used to think Charlie Gibson was one) will not play fair. I think she should have been more guarded. (Unless you define holding her own as a victory, in which case, yes, Sarah won.)

Charlie Gibson descended to the level of those tarts on "The View". Seriously, fuck ABC. Sorry for all the cursing, but I am so enraged. (Then again, most of the readers here are military, right?) :)

Posted by: Nick Byram at September 12, 2008 03:12 PM

The simple fact of the matter is that Charlie Gibson would be falling all over himself praising the qualifications had the interview been with Democratic VP candidate and governor of Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius. He never would have questioned or even discussed whether Gov. Sebelius was qualified to be President on Day One. The real question that Charlie Gibson and his ilk won't raise to Barack Obama and the voters is that "Is he qualified to be President on Day One?" What in Barack Hussein Obama's thin resume make's him more qualified than Palin to be President on Day One?

As far as the "Bush Doctrine" goes, that was an obvious Obama talking point Gibson used to reinforce the Democrats strategy tying McCain/Palin to Bush. He could have stated the "doctrine" and asked her what her thoughts were.

The best answer for me was about going into Pakistan on our own if need be which Gibson knew that Bush privately authorized in July. Palin answered with the overall statement that everything was on the table and wouldn't make the diplomatic mistake of publicly saying, no matter how many times that Gibson repeated the question, that she would invade Pakistan and rub the governments nose in it with such public and explicit language. That is what Obama did earlier in the year when he did say that he would invade Pakistan to get Osama bin Laden.

I will watch the rest of the Palin interview tonight and hope that she continues to handle herself well to the voters approval, the ones that matter in November.

I was disappointed but not surprised how McCain threw Palin under the bus at Columbia Univ. last night. I hope somebody takes him out to the wood shed and tells him not to blow it. Sarah Palin is both his and the Party's savior.

McCain blows it — defends Obama’s community organizer record

Posted by: Les at September 12, 2008 03:19 PM

Gibson didn't lay a glove on her. Touchdown, and the two point conversion is.....Good.

She burned him good.

Of the people mentioned above until you get to the oval who really has foreign policy experience. What president with the exception of Carter and Clinton doesn't appoint great advisors anyway.

She didn't, uh or any anda's. she was in perfect form.

We are on our way. This lady is World Class...

Sorry Charly.

Posted by: Mark at September 12, 2008 05:32 PM

Actually, I forgot about John Stossel. I guess I can't entirely write off ABC.

Posted by: Nick Byram at September 12, 2008 05:58 PM

Rhod, LOL I love this.

"Gibson is a non-food biomass. He does for journalism what David Gergen does for hair styling."

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 12, 2008 06:57 PM

BobF, I agree I think using his name was a great idea.

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 12, 2008 07:01 PM

tom,haha oh yess Charlie the tuna commercials, yes I remember them.

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 12, 2008 07:04 PM

TomR, Ditto all you said!!! He had a chance to show he was a serious interviewer that would not put his parties agenda first and he failed miserably.

"Yes, Gibson is an interrogator and an asshole. He attacked and she answered his loaded questions skillfully. He expected her to hedge the answers or fall flat. Instead, Sarah Palin proved beyond doubt that she is knowledgable, articulate, intelligent and tough enough to handle the job of either Vice President or President. He tried to trip her up and instead gave her a boost.

F--- Charlie Gibson."

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 12, 2008 07:12 PM

Jack he sure is........"He's just a Communist operative."

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 12, 2008 07:13 PM

John, looking at it that way I know what you mean. She was put through the mill and she came out with flying colors. Thank you John.

"She blew the socks of of both Gibson and Obama!!! "

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 12, 2008 07:20 PM

Tincan Sailor........" Bueller , Bueller????"

ROTFLMAO good one Tincan Sailor!

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 12, 2008 07:24 PM

Nick Byram, yes most here are Veterans, I would say 90 percent. Never be concerned with cursing, I am married to a Navy Veteran. haha
He swears at the TV nightly when we watch the political shows.

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 12, 2008 07:31 PM

Les, yes I saw that on TV last night too, thank you for the link.
He said too about putting Obama in a job if he (McCain) wins. That was not necessary at all.

Obama when asked the same thing made it obvious he was not interested in doing a single thing for McCain.

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 12, 2008 07:39 PM it.......

"Gibson didn't lay a glove on her. Touchdown, and the two point conversion"

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 12, 2008 07:41 PM

Nick Byram, yes he is on there too, I forgot as well.

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 12, 2008 07:46 PM