Theodore's World: Dear Mr. Obama

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September 06, 2008

Dear Mr. Obama

An Iraq Veteran has a personal message for Barak Obama :

Dear Mr. Obama


Wild Thing's comment...........

That was a great personal message.

Sir, I don't know you and I may never meet you, but I sure respect you! Thank you for your service and your sacrifice for us and our country.

One of America's Heroes!!! The finest men and women the rest of the world may never know. I am crying seeing the soldier walking away. I love our troops and the thought of them having Obama as their CIC would break my heart.

Posted by Wild Thing at September 6, 2008 03:47 AM


Wow that is powerful. How can we not be proud. How can anyone not be proud. But Ho chi obama isn't and some of his ilk are not. This is what I could never understand in the 60's is how can they not be proud, unless there is an alternative agenda...I hear them trash our country, trash the soldiers, and protest how unfair we are, how the rest of the world hates us...Yet they carry pictures of Che Guvara(sp) who do they think he is and how do they think they would survive in Che's hands. Talk about dumbasses.

Posted by: Mark at September 6, 2008 10:00 AM

Excellent. I have sent this video on to a lot of people, who will forward it on to others.

Obama only understands Obama. And then, a lot of his understanding is wrong and twisted and dishonest.

Posted by: TomR at September 6, 2008 10:44 AM

Powerful video and that gentleman is spot on. Thank you Chrissie.

Team Theodore knows the truth, far too many have put it on the line for those who live under the umbrella of freedom without paying a thing.
Like that Dutch guy " I have never learned to fight for my freedom. I was only good at enjoying it".

They sit back sniping at those who provide their protection and give them the means to destroy it. They reward us by selecting the Obama's of this world to lead them, addled by words into thinking that words will protect them. They mock and attack those packing the physical and mental scars earned securing their freedom as being "tools" of the government. To be attacked by their very own Senators and Representatives who have sent them in harms way.

They themselves are oblivious to the fact that they are the "tools" of oppression. Thank you veterans and soldiers for the freedom you provide.

Tony Christie wrote a fitting song about soldiers, welcome home veteran.

Posted by: Jack at September 6, 2008 02:15 PM

This Iraq War veteran represents a military patriot core value heart of America that Barack Hussein Obama doesn't know, doesn't want to know, and will never know even if he occupies the Oval Office for the next four years. Obama's view and execution of the role of CIC would be that of Conciliator-in-Concession.

Bottom line, Obama would continue to blame mean America for the ills of the world as he appeases our enemies and yields on our core values of democracy and freedom with the false hope that this will bring about peace.

Winston Churchill said it best, "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile--hoping it will eat him last".

Posted by: Les at September 6, 2008 05:56 PM

Mark, everything you said is really how the left feels about our soldeirs. That Che poster and t-shirts they were really screams out their feelings.

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 6, 2008 11:19 PM

Tom thank you I am so glad. People need to see this, a soldier speaking from his heart, it can't get more real then that.

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 6, 2008 11:20 PM

Jack,wow I never heard that song before. Thank you so much.

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 6, 2008 11:22 PM

Les, your right, Obama has no clue not even a little and this is something a person can't pretend, it comes from every pore.

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 6, 2008 11:25 PM

Jack, I had to listen closely to that song. It sounded vaugely familiar and then it came back to me. I have not heard that in years.
WT, that video was incredible. Seeing him walk away at the end sent a surge of white hot anger through me at how the liberals keep screeching that we are wrong and attempting to diminish the sacrifices that have been made all the while whining, We support the troops.

Posted by: Melissa In Texas at September 7, 2008 12:18 AM

I did see that and the most powerful part----when he walks away. Just whaaaaaaaaa!!!
It blows the whole Lib anti-war b.s. to smitherines. Should be run regulary during this whole elctions season!!!!!!!!

Posted by: LLoyd at September 7, 2008 01:50 PM

that was beautiful dude

Posted by: MM at September 7, 2008 01:55 PM

Heart felt. Wonderful. We in TN support the troops. Obama needs to have some feelings. Anyone who will not coss their heart and say the Plede is not worthy to run our country. This country was built on trust and freedom. He does not know the meaning of the things this country has gone thru to get where we are. Beatiful speech and God Bless this solider.

Posted by: Cheryl at September 7, 2008 11:18 PM

As a retired Veteran, Viet Nam and Desert Storm, I too know the sacrifices our service men and women have made. The fact that the Democrats support a person such as Obama, shows how far they are from the "Real Americans" they have become. Until the Democrats come back to represent America, I will keep voting for Republicans! And I was a Democrat for 50+ years. jsvet2wars

Posted by: Joe at September 8, 2008 04:59 AM


Posted by: juanita at September 10, 2008 10:37 AM