Theodore's World: White House Says Ruling Could Free Detainees To Walk Main Street USA

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July 11, 2008

White House Says Ruling Could Free Detainees To Walk Main Street USA

White House says ruling could free detainees in US

USA Today

WASHINGTON — The White House said Thursday that dangerous detainees at Guantanamo Bay could end up walking Main Street U.S.A. as a result of last month's Supreme Court ruling about detainees' legal rights. Federal appeals courts, however, have indicated they have no intention of letting that happen.
The high court ruling, which gave all detainees the right to petition federal judges for immediate release, has intensified discussions within the Bush administration about what to do with the roughly 270 detainees held at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

"I'm sure that none of us want Khalid Sheikh Mohammed walking around our neighborhoods," White House press secretary Dana Perino said about al-Qaida's former third in command.

President Bush strongly disagreed with the Supreme Court decision that the foreigners held under indefinite detention at Guantanamo have the right to seek release in civilian courts. The 5-4 ruling was the third time the justices had repudiated Bush on his approach to holding the suspects outside the protections of U.S. law.

The legal ramifications of the Supreme Court decision remain fuzzy, but it's unlikely that a federal appeals court would order a detainee released into the United States even if a judge finds that the government was holding the detainee improperly. A court might tell the Bush administration to let a prisoner go, but it presumably would be up to the executive branch to figure out where.

Glenn Sulmasy, a national security fellow at Harvard University, said if the matter remains in the hands of civilian courts, there is an element of truth to the White House warning that detainees could be released in the United States.

He said the legislative and executive branches should find a third legal way -- not through military commissions or the civilian courts -- to deal with the detainees, perhaps a national security or other type of special court. "What is needed is a hybrid court," he said.

"But there is considered judgment, from many federal government lawyers -- all the way up to the attorney general of the United States_ that it is a very real possibility that a dangerous detainee could be released into the United States as a result of this Supreme Court decision."

Judges at Washington's federal courthouse are moving quickly to process about 200 cases involving Guantanamo Bay detainees. Those cases would force the Justice Department to say why the detainees are being held and defend the decision to label them enemy combatants. Defense attorneys are convinced that, in many cases, the evidence will not hold up.

"The judge might say to the United States, 'You don't have enough evidence to hold this person,'" Perino said. "And then what do we do? ... Is he allowed to leave? And if so, is he picked up by immigration? Even if that's the case, they're only allowed to be held for six months."

Wild Thing's comment........

This is so crazy and very scary too. It may not happen but from what we have seen in the past about our courts and judges and lawyers the odds are it very well could. They let horrible bad guys out of jail all the time.

"What is needed is a hybrid court,"

And what the heck is this??? OMG

....Thank you Lynn for sending this to me.

Posted by Wild Thing at July 11, 2008 03:47 AM


I just can't believe those 4 liberal judges continually voting to give rights to those who don't have them (because they aren't American citizens) and remove rights from American citizens. They aren't using common sense. They think they're being humane, but forgetting the logic in the rule of law. To me, the detainees are in a safe place with good meals, good health care, they're allowed to read the Koran and they get tv shows from their homelands. What could be better? I don't like to see people locked up either unless it's for their own good and to protect society. Do you think I want them to release Charles Manson, too? Don't you think a law like this could have loop hole complications? Leave the detainees where they are. It's better for them (up here, some people might take offense and start killing them) and better for us (sleeping well at night.)
Stupid liberal judges.

Posted by: Lynn at July 11, 2008 04:59 AM

PLEASE set these islamo basturds free in RED STATES during hunting season soon....PLEASE! - Approved by the NRA & Chuck Heston

Posted by: The Ethics Cleanser 08 at July 11, 2008 05:21 AM

My son just gave me an early Birthday gift. A mint condition M1911-A1 .45ACP and 500 rounds of ammo.

Cut'em loose.

Posted by: Mark at July 11, 2008 08:53 AM

I agree with the Ethics Cleanser- !! Nuff said!!

Posted by: Cheryl Zee at July 11, 2008 08:55 AM

Lynn, I agree what the heck happened to plain olel common sense. I don't see much of it from the left on any level.

Good point about Charles Manson. They would have let him out long ago, except the mother of the actress Sharon Tate went everytime to the hearing about letting him out to make sure he stayed in prison. She has passed away so now another family member has to keep doing it.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 11, 2008 07:44 PM

The Ethics Cleanser 08, LOL good one.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 11, 2008 07:46 PM

Mark, WOW that is awesome!!!!!

And he gave it to you nice and early too heh heh so you can enjoy it right away. That is soooo cool Mark.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 11, 2008 07:48 PM

Cheryl, me too I will third that.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 11, 2008 07:49 PM

I don't know for a fact if any detainees at Guantanamo Bay will be released as a result of last month's Supreme Court ruling. However, I do know that George Bush and his administration will legally fight tooth and nail to not let that happen.

I also know that Barack Hussein Obama wants to close Gitmo. He will also make appointments to the Justice Department and federal court system of people who regard the Bush administration as the real war criminals. They will do all that they can to reverse what Bush did including releasing detainees at Gitmo who they feel were unjustly captured and detained.

So, come Tuesday, November 4th the voters will have a choice of candidates with two totally different views on the war on terrorism.

Posted by: Les at July 11, 2008 08:12 PM

Les, yes it will be a lot different when Bush leaves office. I am not looking forward to Nov. when we find out who it will be and then in January when Bush leaves office.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 11, 2008 11:14 PM

I saw a movie not long ago,can't place the name!
oh!!! I remember, Dead Man Walking!!!!

Posted by: Tincan Sailor at July 12, 2008 12:13 AM