Theodore's World: B. Hussein Pits Americans Against Illegals With His Lies

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July 30, 2008

B. Hussein Pits Americans Against Illegals With His Lies

This ad uses Obama's own words to share his beliefs about how to deal with the problem of immigrants that don't learn English.

Hussein Obama swaggers across the stage lecturing the American people with an elitist and condescending attitude while declaring, "you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish! "



12-20 million illegal aliens blatantly violated our laws when they came here illegally. They take jobs away from hard-working locals and legal immigrants who played by the rules and waited in line to have a chance at living the American Dream!

And what's Barack Hussein Obama's solution to the problem of millions of illegal aliens who REFUSE to learn our language or assimilate into our culture? In his own words:

"Understand this... you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish!"

But That's Not All Obama Said. . .

Barack Hussein recently spoke at the annual La Raza convention and accused United States law enforcement officers of TERRORIZING people!

According to the San Diego Union Tribune Obama said:

"The system isn't working... when communities are terrorized by (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) immigration raids, when nursing mothers are torn from their babies, when children come home from school to find their parents missing."

Communities "terrorized"...? Babies torn from their mothers while they are nursing...? Children coming home from school to find their parents have been secretly spirited away...? Is he serious?

Our frontline immigration officers put their lives on the line every day to enforce our laws and secure our liberties. To hear Obama talk, you would think they're jack-booted thugs! And that's a strange point of view coming from a man who associates with the likes of:

Weather Underground member William Ayers, who advocated a dozen bombings, including the bombing of the U.S. Capitol building in 1971 and the Pentagon in 1972... Jodie Evans, a radical, anti-American activist who facilitated over $600,000 in aid to Islamic radicals in Iraq... Frank Marshall Davis, the anti-Christian radical and known member of the Communist Party USA who Obama looked upon as a "father," and let us not forget... The Rev. Jeremiah "God D___ America" Wright, a man who called this great country the "U. S. of K.K.K. A"

What Barack Believes... and Doesn't Believe...

Barack Obama believes that deporting illegals is ridiculous and impractical, he supports the DREAM Act for the children of illegal immigrants, He doesn't believe that we have allocated enough for the health care of illegal immigrants. He would not deputize Americans to turn in illegal immigrants, he supports government services provided in Spanish and granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

How Barack Has Voted...

YES on continuing federal funds for declared "sanctuary cities". (Mar 2008)
YES on comprehensive immigration reform. (Jun 2007)
NO on declaring English as the official language of the US government. (Jun 2007)
YES on establishing a Guest Worker program. (May 2006)
YES on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security. (May 2006)
YES on giving Guest Workers a path to citizenship. (May 2006)


Wild Thing's comment........

I posted a before how Obama wants us to speak Spanish. But I didn''t know then of all the added things he had said in his speech. So this is important too seeing how he is once again siding with the illegals AGAINST Americans by the statements he has made.

Lies and being anti-American is what Obama excells at this. His speech makes it sound like Waco is happening again only on illegals . And how innocent the illegals are and how we are all so horrible for wanting people to come to this country like all of our families did years ago the legal way.

He says " the system isn't working" sheesh can't he at least come up with some NON democrat code words. We must have heard that phrase a thousand times from the left. I can't stand it!!!

....Thank you Mark.

Posted by Wild Thing at July 30, 2008 04:47 AM


This Christianity thing of Obama, claiming he's is such a practicing Christian, is as much of a sham and he is. His statement about small town Pennsylvainians clinging to their guns, religion and there Xenophobia... is telling all by itself. I would think that if he is such a devout Christian he would understand that these people get their strenght from religion. But he doesn't.

He is so concerned about our children learning Spanish, why didn't he give the speech in Berlin in German ? Afterall, an elitist like him all things are possible in His world of Fantasy.

Posted by: Mark at July 30, 2008 08:14 AM

-- Computer must be having a problem,, to continue, democrats are always saying that something is broken and it needs to be fixed, and it is all the fault of somebody else. They are their own self described heroes and saviors of the world as they know it. It doesn't matter if no one else sees it the same way, those people be damned because they are going to save us in spite of ourselves.

This immigration with Obama and the leftists democrats is another power grabbing and vote getting scheme they don't require anything from them just sit back and take what we give you but be sure to vote for your sugardaddy, the democrats. The whole thing is disgusting.

Posted by: Mark at July 30, 2008 08:31 AM

I saw last night that he is going to spend 20 million in campaign funds to get the mexican vote----- 20 million won't buy that many tortillas-- !!! He needs to spend a lot more- they don't want him-- they want America!! He will have to promise them America to get their vote!!

"Christian"- LIAR!!!! I am - still waiting on a damn birth certificate-! Americans born since most of the last century were supplied a Birth Certificate- upon birth at a United States hospital hhhmmm!! Maybe he left his up there on Pelosi's home planet! LOL!!

Posted by: Cheryl Zee at July 30, 2008 09:31 AM

if this nut gets into office,we all will be speakin a differant language an playin in tha sand!!

Posted by: Chief at July 30, 2008 11:19 AM

Living in a sanctuary state I can attest to what illegal immigration has done to Eastern Washington, entering some of those small town is like going to Mexico, crime is rampant from the gangs. This Robert Mugabe Obama idiot want's the rest of us to join them by through non enforcement of existing laws. Has anyone heard anything good from the clashes at the Southern border, where Jorge's regime locks up the border patrol?

Posted by: Jack at July 30, 2008 12:16 PM

Mark, yesssss why didn't he give his speech in Germany in German since he is sooooo concerned about all of this. And he wants so desperately to come off as European and not American so it seems.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 30, 2008 07:03 PM

This is absolutely what it is about.

"This immigration with Obama and the leftists democrats is another power grabbing and vote getting scheme they don't require anything from them just sit back and take what we give you but be sure to vote for your sugardaddy, the democrats. The whole thing is disgusting."

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 30, 2008 07:09 PM

Cheryl, if the birth certificate mystery con, lie etc. could just happen now, I would love that so much.


"Maybe he left his up there on Pelosi's home planet"

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 30, 2008 07:12 PM

Chief yes, someone could make that into a srticker. Just add Obama's name on it.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 30, 2008 07:16 PM

Jack, thanks for sharing about Eastern Washington, scary stuff. That reminds me of how so much of where we lived in Southern Calif. was like, even Malibu started to change with gangs standing outside shops along the beach. The police were constantly taking them away.

Yes the border, there is yet another thing that our not so awesome leaders will not take care of.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 30, 2008 07:29 PM

He hasn't a clue, has he?
This is not about race, creed, skin color or religion. It's about breaking the law. Out here, a town tried to ban illegals from working in that town or renting in that town. The mayor cast a tie breaking NO vote, so the illegals won. They have NO right to be here. That's the gist of it. No one seems to realize that if we ran their border and started demanding rights, we'd be thrown into their prison system!
So many talk about the poor kids who were dragged across the border with their parents. But if you've been here since childhood and you are now an adult, get legit.
And my children are NOT going to learn Spanish just to save them from having to learn English. That's bull crap with a capital BC!
Obamanation is a dangerous man with very dangerous intentions. Why didn't he just say our kids have to read the Koran and become Muslims?

Posted by: Lynn at July 31, 2008 04:42 AM