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June 06, 2008
What Is It With Dems and Underwear

Barack Obama ’08 boxer-briefs from Andrew Christian.
As campaign booty goes, this is pretty cheeky.
A trendy underwear designer started selling Barack Obama boxer-briefs Thursday, promising to donate $1 from each $29 sale to the Democrat's coffers.
The slim-fit undies by Andrew Christian sport a Che Guevaraesque silhouette of the senator's face on the front and the numbers '08 on the back.
"I'm not sure I'd wear those even underneath my clothes," Obama's communications director, Robert Gibbs, said when shown a photo of the skivvies.
"Wow!" he added, taking a moment to chuckle. "Those are virtually indescribable. They're probably really hip and expensive."
The designer mailed a package of complimentary unmentionables to Obama - so the Daily News asked if he would wear them.
"No!" Gibbs replied quickly. "That would be really weird."
As Gibbs spoke, a young female staffer passed by and caught a glimpse of the photo.
"Oh!" she exclaimed, blushing.
Christian said the Obama bottoms are his only campaign-related underwear, but that could change.
"If she gets the vice presidency, we'll definitely add a Hillary bra or camisole," he said.
As a Democrat, he has no plans for any John McCain shorts and he guessed they wouldn't be a hot seller, anyway.
"It probably wouldn't be as hip and as cool as the Obama underwear," Christian said.
Wild Thing's comment........
I’m guessing they would have done “bloomers” for Mrs. Clinton.
I hate how these liberal idiots try to turn all of their presidential candidates into some sort of sex symbol. We had to put up with this same crap with Clinton for eight years. Then they tried it with Al Gore and the airbrushed “package” photo, but even all the makeup artists in Hollywood couldn't make him look sexy. Then in 2004 we had the John Kerry “surfer dude” and “skier dude” photos. Now over the next few months we get to see Obama, AKA the black Alfred E. Newman transformed into a sex symbol.
Posted by Wild Thing at June 6, 2008 07:27 PM
That's just nasty. I wouldn't want my picture on someone's undies. Ick and Yuck!
Have some sanity, idiots. Stop doing famous people unmentionables. Although it would be nice to have their pics on the backside, so when I pass gas, it will go right through their face!
Posted by: Lynn at June 6, 2008 08:56 PM
You know, I would seriously consider turning these into a set of Depends for Dhimmis.
Just sad.
Posted by: navycopjoe at June 6, 2008 08:56 PM
Lynn, you are too funny. ROTFLMAO! Conservatives still prefer T-shirts. Check this one out that I just spotted in an ad on Ann Coulter's website.
Whoa Momma No Obama
Posted by: Les at June 6, 2008 09:14 PM
Lynn, LMAO that is so funny.
Posted by: Wild Thing at June 6, 2008 10:57 PM
navycopjoe, LOL good idea.
Posted by: Wild Thing at June 6, 2008 11:00 PM
Les, that is perfect for Obama.
Posted by: Wild Thing at June 6, 2008 11:05 PM
Mr. CHANGES Underwear, eh? Fruit of the Loonies?
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at June 7, 2008 12:41 AM
"BEWARE of Lynn's 'Blazing Saddle' She digs Bushes Baked Beans!!"
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at June 7, 2008 05:53 AM