Theodore's World: Barack Obama Image Makers -- "A Face in the Crowd" ?

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June 05, 2008

Barack Obama Image Makers -- "A Face in the Crowd" ?

Elia Kazan's brilliant 1957 film: A Face In the Crowd. Andy Griffith's first movie. It was disparaged by the media because they saw how accurately it portrayed them.

This is a clip from the film or behind the scenes at Barack Obama's campaign headquarters????

"People don't want debate, they want slogans! Time for a change! "

Wild Thing's comment.......

The film shows you just where and how and why the age of “Image” started, how the new medium of Television shaped it, and and how urgent it was that everyone in public life learned its ground rules, as necessary for survival. Woe unto him who thought he didn’t have to abide by those rules. HOWEVER , in some ways we have passed through that point-—we’ve gone from Lonesome Rhodes to Chance the Gardener, thirty some years later.

Yet maybe that’s just a mutation, with the same essentials left intact. People who responded to Bill Clinton in the early nineties and Obama today, are unaware of this history, they are just a new generation always eager to allow stardust in their eyes, and “believe” in something again. Like we have seen with the chanting for Obama and the way many reacted even to Bill Clinton back then yuk!

Which is why people like those two always appeal to those without experience, who like the world explained to them in the simplest terms, and who want to take their medicine but have it taste really good.

“T’was ever thus”. And what keeps this going is precisely that we have NO sense of history, not even any sense of the history of Popular Culture Artifacts, as exemplified by a very good movie like A Face in the Crowd.

Then there are those like the Farrakhan and that ilk that have their own agenda, but that would be another story. haha

Posted by Wild Thing at June 5, 2008 02:47 AM


And that's all he's come up with --slogans. He's a good snake oil salesman. Whatever happened to Caveat Emptor--let the buyer beware? If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
It's scary to think he wants to change us so dramatically, but he won't tell us what it is. He also has to be very wrong move and he's gone. Does he think there aren't people out there who would die to bump him off? He's a big mouthed, ill tempered, immature brat. I have no clue why he came to the top of the ranks except for the blind lemmings who will jump off the cliff while he laughs at the top while they die in the frigid waters. Get the blinders off people! As the diet Pepsi Max commercial says, Wake up People!

Posted by: Lynn at June 5, 2008 08:30 AM

Appealing to the "bush monkeys". How appropriate this time around. Politiking via packaged propaganda. To hell with the truth except when it looks good. I had never heard of this movie. It should be rereleased.

Wild Thing, you work hard and come up with the neatest, most appropos posts. Whether it is research or making graphics, you always find material to fit the content of the post. Thank you for your work.

Posted by: TomR at June 5, 2008 11:13 AM

Lynn, exactly and no one in the media hounds him with questions about what exactly does he mean by the word change.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 5, 2008 07:45 PM

Tom, thank you soooo much, that sure means a lot to me. I want it to be a place that is fun but informative too and I learn so much from your comments and others, so very much. A place that belongs to everyone here, like a home online.

Gosh that means a lot to me Tom. You are so kind.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 5, 2008 07:49 PM

The best that conservatives can do for the general election or should Barack Obama become President is to come up with a report card, in his own words, of ALL of his promises. He should from day one be held accountable for his false hope, change, and unity campaign walk-on-water BS. No presidential honeymoon, just a daily pounding on the audacity of Obama.

Posted by: Les at June 5, 2008 08:13 PM

Les, good idea....."just a daily pounding on the audacity of Obama".

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 6, 2008 04:43 AM