Theodore's World: Russian Roulette McCain

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May 16, 2008

Russian Roulette McCain

McCain widens dialogue on blogs

Washington Times for ENTIRE article

Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign is trying to tap a new audience of potential voters by taking his campaign message straight to liberal and nonpolitical issues-based blogs, which reach millions of readers but don't often delve into conservative politics.
The strategy was in full swing yesterday when Mr. McCain invited non-conservative bloggers to join his regular blogger conference call, just hours after he delivered a major speech previewing his war strategy and other priorities for a first presidential term.
It already has started a war among liberal bloggers over how to react to Mr. McCain's overture.
Mr. McCain's campaign said the Web outreach is a logical extension of an attempt to reach voters beyond his base. It also builds on his successful use of conference calls with conservative bloggers during the Republican primary, which blunted many of the harshest criticisms of the senator.
"The plan is to take the work we've already built on with conservative bloggers and to open up a dialogue with non-conservative bloggers and even nonpolitical bloggers," said Patrick Hynes

OK now here are some other things that have to do with this:

A question and answer from his teleconference that stands out to me was this one......

You say you want to work towards bipartisanship. What positions would you be willing to appoint Democrats to in your administration?

"I have a clear record of working with Democrats. I don't have a specific position in mind, but I will ask the most capable people, Democrat or Republican, for a position. I will appoint Democrats to my administration."

And this is a snipet form his speech that he gave in Columbus, Ohio
Entire speech HERE

"If I am elected President, I will work with anyone who sincerely wants to get this country moving again. I will listen to any idea that is offered in good faith and intended to help solve our problems, not make them worse. I will seek the counsel of members of Congress from both parties in forming government policy before I ask them to support it. I will ask Democrats to serve in my administration. My administration will set a new standard for transparency and accountability. I will hold weekly press conferences. I will regularly brief the American people on the progress our policies have made and the setbacks we have encountered. When we make errors, I will confess them readily, and explain what we intend to do to correct them. I will ask Congress to grant me the privilege of coming before both houses to take questions, and address criticism, much the same as the Prime Minister of Great Britain appears regularly before the House of Commons."

Wild Thing's comment.......

McCain is being McCain, maybe that will be the new word for rino. Oh he's being a McCain. sigh

We want things to be done that protect our country, secure our borders, get rid of the scourge of illegals here already…we don’t want to hear more empty promises and rhetoric. We want someone who stands by their word and who puts America first.

We dont want your blind allegiance and ignorance over global warming, over Iraq, and other important international issues.

McCain really doesn’t know how to relate to conservatives.

Ronald Reagan speaking to the White House News Photographers’ Association 5/18/83: “There are some things that you and I have in common in addition to being on the opposite ends of the camera. For you, the darkroom is a place to develop film. For me, it’s a place the Democrats use as a think tank.”

....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

Posted by Wild Thing at May 16, 2008 02:30 PM


Thanks Mark and WT.
So now he's pandering to the Daily Kos, I hope he doesn't get too confused and call him Komrad Tin. Got two missives from honest John this week, one was an "extremely urgent" telegram delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Send more John so I'll have something to burn this winter.

Posted by: Jack at May 16, 2008 04:09 PM

Let me get this straight. The presumptive presidential candidate of the Republican party will "ask the most capable people, Democrat or Republican, for a position." I guess John McCain doesn't know of or think that there are enough capable Republicans for these positions because he (RINO) spends so much time with Democrats.

John McCain "will ask Congress to grant me the privilege of coming before both houses to take questions, and address criticism, much the same as the Prime Minister of Great Britain appears regularly before the House of Commons." John McCain going before a Democrat controlled veto-proof Congress will make his time in the Hanoi Hilton seem like a vacation and waterboarding a friendly sport.

No, John McCain. I will not vote for you.

Posted by: Les at May 16, 2008 05:16 PM

Help me! I have no one to vote for!
Where have all the good men gone?
We need a hero!!! (Thanks, Bonnie Tyler and Jim Steinman!)
We is my Sam Houston in shining armor?

Posted by: Lynn at May 16, 2008 08:55 PM

Jack, I see polls where Obama is ahead of McCain. Then I saw some dem womens group that said on Fox News they will vote for McCain if Hillary is not the one. This is the craziest election in my lifetime.

3 Dems running for office grrrrr

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 17, 2008 03:45 AM

Les, yep, I do remember that Bill Clinton had that guy his last name was Cohen for his oh what was it for AG? or something. Anyway he was a Rep. but a total rino to the max.

But McCain makes it sound like he will give a lot of appointments to the dems. sheesh

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 17, 2008 03:47 AM

Lynn, just know I feel the same way and so do so many of us.
I loved when Reagan was running, I was so excited every day. I guess those days are long gone at least for now anyway. I wish I knew what to do too. I have never not voted, I do know I will concentrate on the congressional ones if any are up for a vote. But still this is horrible the choice we have. waaaaaa

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 17, 2008 03:49 AM

This is so sad. But then when you realize that most of our finest are over in the sandboxes taking care of real business, this is what we get. Remember tho, there are 14 OIF/OEF vets running for Congress. We so need to get behind them cuz, either way, we're so screwed in the presidency arena.

Posted by: yankeemom at May 17, 2008 08:21 AM