Theodore's World: Jeremiah Wright Takes Questions At National Press Club

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April 29, 2008

Jeremiah Wright Takes Questions At National Press Club

**** The three video's are taken after Wright gave his speech at the National Press Club.****

Jeremiah Wright Takes Questions At National Press Club

Part One

Part Two

Part Three


Wright’s Security Provided By Nation Of Islam

It’s been confirmed: Jeremiah Wright’s bodyguards are Nation of Islam.

And regarding his speech that happened before the above videos of Q % A.

Wright's Voice Could Spell Doom for Obama
washington post

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, explaining this morning why he had waited so long before breaking his silence about his incendiary sermons, offered a paraphrase from Proverbs: "It is better to be quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Barack Obama's pastor would have been wise to continue to heed that wisdom.

Should it become necessary in the months from now to identify the moment that doomed Obama's presidential aspirations, attention is likely to focus on the hour between nine and ten this morning at the National Press Club. It was then that Wright, Obama's longtime pastor, reignited a controversy about race from which Obama had only recently recovered - and added lighter fuel.

Speaking before an audience that included Marion Barry, Cornel West, Malik Zulu Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party and Nation of Islam official Jamil Muhammad, Wright praised Louis Farrakhan, defended the view that Zionism is racism, accused the United States of terrorism, repeated his view that the government created the AIDS virus to cause the genocide of racial minorities, stood by other past remarks ("God damn America") and held himself out as a spokesman for the black church in America.

In front of 30 television cameras, Wright's audience cheered him on as the minister mocked the media and, at one point, did a little victory dance on the podium. It seemed as if Wright, jokingly offering himself as Obama's vice president, was actually trying to doom Obama; a member of the head table, American Urban Radio's April Ryan, confirmed that Wright's security was provided by bodyguards from Farrakhan's Nation of Islam.

Wright suggested that Obama was insincere in distancing himself from his pastor. "He didn't distance himself," Wright announced. "He had to distance himself, because he's a politician, from what the media was saying I had said, which was anti-American."
Explaining further, Wright said friends had written to him and said, "We both know that if Senator Obama did not say what he said, he would never get elected." The minister continued: "Politicians say what they say and do what they do based on electability, based on sound bites, based on polls."

Wright also argued, at least four times over the course of the hour, that he was speaking not for himself but for the black church.

"This is not an attack on Jeremiah Wright," the minister said. "It is an attack on the black church." He positioned himself as a mainstream voice of African American religious traditions. "Why am I speaking out now?" he asked. "If you think I'm going to let you talk about my mama and her religious tradition, and my daddy and his religious tradition and my grandma, you got another thing coming."

That significantly complicates Obama's job as he contemplates how to extinguish Wright's latest incendiary device. Now, he needs to do more than express disagreement with his former pastor's view; he needs to refute his former pastor's suggestion that Obama privately agrees with him.

Wright seemed aggrieved that his inflammatory quotations were out of the full "context" of his sermons -- yet he repeated many of the same accusations in the context of a half-hour Q&A session this morning.

His claim that the September 11 attacks mean "America's chickens are coming home to roost"?

Wright defended it: "Jesus said, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' You cannot do terrorism on other people and expect it never to come back on you. Those are biblical principles, not Jeremiah Wright bombastic divisive principles."

His views on Farrakhan and Israel? "Louis said 20 years ago that Zionism, not Judaism, was a gutter religion. He was talking about the same thing United Nations resolutions say, the same thing now that President Carter's being vilified for and Bishop Tutu's being vilified for. And everybody wants to paint me as if I'm anti-Semitic because of what Louis Farrakhan said 20 years ago. He is one of the most important voices in the 20th and 21st century; that's what I think about him. . . . Louis Farrakhan is not my enemy. He did not put me in chains, he did not put me in slavery, and he didn't make me this color."


Wild Thing's comment.........

I think Wright wants to throw Obama under the bus. Wright is such a what a snarky, cocky SOB and loaded with enough hate for 10 people.

Get this during the question period after he gave his speech. C Span just put up the numbers for callers:

African-Americans -—phone number
Others -—phone number

I am not kidding!!!!

Posted by Wild Thing at April 29, 2008 04:50 AM


We did not create AIDS to kill off the minorities. Maybe if they'd stop living the lifestyle they do, we wouldn't have so many AIDS patients.
He's the "blame America first" crowd cheerleader. He instigates riots, trouble and he is a racist through and through.
It's not equality he wants, he wants superiority over the evil white man. Does he forget there were white slaves as well? Many Welsh immigrants worked long and cruel hours because their families needed to eat and a place to sleep. And how about the NINA? NO IRISH NEED APPLY? Come on, Rev. Wright, read up on your history. We've all been down that road, facing racism and bigotry. How about Americans of German descent during WW1 and 2. Afraid to let someone know they spoke German because something might happen to them? And the Jewish people enslaved by the mighty Egyptians who cared only for monuments to be built to themselves?
And the native Americans who said they would gladly share with the white man and then turned onto reservations because white man bit the hand that once fed them.
So get off your high horse and stop fighting us. We're not the enemy, Rev. Wright, you are.

Posted by: Lynn at April 29, 2008 08:40 AM

Keep talking rev Wright. You are killing Obama's chances every time you open your vain mouth. You and Michelle more than undo Obama's slick verbal presentations. You are also opening up a new racial divide in America.

This Obama group associates with the worst elements in America. I hope more and more of the members of the Obama cult begin to realize what Obama really is, an America hating, racist Marxist.

Posted by: TomR at April 29, 2008 12:46 PM

I have been curious about Wright. Obama during an interview with Fox, said, Wright was a Marine. Later I heard he was a Navy Corpsman. So I looked him up on google.

Here is what I found:

((((In 1959 Wright enrolled at Virginia Union University, in Richmond, where he remained until 1961. That year he left school to join the military. He served in the Second Marine Division of the U.S. Marine Corps from 1961 to 1963, achieving the rank of private first class. In 1963 he graduated as valedictorian from the Great Lakes Naval Training Center, and from 1964 to 1967, he served as a cardio pulmonary technician at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. During 1965 and 1966, he was awarded with three Presidential Commendations from President Lyndon B. Johnson.))))))

First how do you get to the 2nd Marine Division, without going to Parris Island, first, Or San Diego. The short Answer is you don't.

I was in at just about the same time Wright supposedly was. Even if he joined the Marine Reserve, Parris Island was included before, you went inactive reserve. You sign a contract, your enlistment papers With the Marines not the Navy.

Second, how did he only serve two years in the Marines ? Not possible. And how come it took him two years to make PFC, was he a constant screw up.

then it says in 1963 he graduated from Great Lakes as '''Valedictorian'''' ???????? Has anyone graduated from Navy Boot Camp as a Valedictorian... this is a joke right. And became a Hospitol Corpsman, Great Lakes is the Naval Training school, Boot Camp, to become a Corpsman you have to go to another School , Corpsman "A" school, One Boot camp and one A-School.

And he got three Presidential Commendations in one year from working in a Hospitol ???

This man is beyond belief. I think he is worse than we all thought not only is he a racist he is also a liar, a cheat and probably a thief.

Posted by: Mark at April 29, 2008 04:37 PM

Lynn he sure is, he loves to blame America first. I never knew so many people felt like Wright does, I mean people that supposed to be Christians and how they hate so many things and hate America. scary stuff

Posted by: Wild Thing at April 29, 2008 05:45 PM

Tom yessss the more Wright talks the more it shows what Obama and Michelle are about.

Posted by: Wild Thing at April 29, 2008 05:46 PM

Mark thanks for posting that. I just can't believe any of it, I would have to have the DOD or something like that confirm what is being said about Wright's service. Very weird for sure.

Posted by: Wild Thing at April 29, 2008 05:51 PM

All I saw was more of the same vitriol. As Mark states. How did he get into the Marines without going to boot? Back then the reserves had an 8 year commitment and regular enlistees had 4 years active duty , draftees had two years active duty, I don't recall the Marines using the selective service until well into the Vietnam War. Inquiring infidels would like to know. Guess we'll just have to ask JF Kerry, the master deceiver.

Posted by: Jack at April 29, 2008 08:28 PM

Jack, I searched for almost three hours and could not find any place online that stated where he went to bootcamp. Not one word to say where, just that alone is so weird to me.
LOL I was bound an determined to find it. hahaha

Posted by: Wild Thing at April 29, 2008 11:59 PM