Theodore's World: Sweden's Many Changes And Islam Taking Over

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March 11, 2008

Sweden's Many Changes And Islam Taking Over

Sweden industrialized nation to bananarepublic in 20 years.

"Before 1977 Sweden had an immigration of 2000 per year. More recent years the government decided to promote massimmigration, nearly 100.000 per year is arriving in Sweden. The number is equal to the population in three average Swedish cities every year.
The results of the massimmigration can be seen in hundreds of communities around the country. Sweden never verify the identity of the asylumseekers. The never check the crime record. It measn the violent criminals come as asylum seekers and can obtain a new clean identity and move freely within EU.
We know that expelled criminals has come back under new name and were allowed to stay in Sweden. Most convicted criminal asylum seekers won't be expelled. In Sweden they tolerate anything so the crime rate is the highest in Europe.

Most of the asylum seekers come from Somalia, Iran, Irak and many other moslem countries. They bring their culture and use the same tradtitions they are used to from their 6th century homeland. Honor killings are common, they kill their family members if they like to dress differently, meet non-moslim friends or have the "wrong" boyfriend. Girls are not stoned, they are tossed from a high balcony by their family members.

The government is sponsoring Islam and promote the spread of Islam. They fund some of their organisations, schools and programs. Mosks are receiving support, contributions and generous terms for new land and buildings.
The result is that hundreds of thousands of skilled swedes feel pushed out and leave Sweden. The last two years shows a record number of Swedes leaving almost 50.000 per year."

Wild Thing's comment.........

Sweden the land of liberals and anything goes. That is what they used to stand for. Now that same mentalilty and anything goes is going to be the ruin of Sweden as they invite Islamic's to move freely in their country and their government backing their every wish.

I hope America is listening to what we are seeing in Sweden, and the UK as well. In today's world to say it would never happen here in America would be to have our head in the sand.

.....Thank you John for sending this to me.

Posted by Wild Thing at March 11, 2008 12:45 AM


Holy Smoke--they want everything, don't they?
And why are they "honor" killing or tossing their own kids out the window? That's not a religion of peace.
Europe did this to herself. She didn't do anything about the invasion.
We have to stop ours now, because it may already be too late.
They love to use our freedom of religion against us.

Posted by: Lynn at March 11, 2008 05:08 AM

Are we paying attention in America? No! Our urban areas are already Balkanized and segregated. We have "communities" of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and others. In many cases you had better not get out of your car in one of these "communities" if you are not of that ethnicity.

Posted by: TomR at March 11, 2008 11:10 AM

Only trouble is there is NO politician who wants to secure the border. There are now schools in Indiana, they have total Spanish immersion for the entire school. Part of the day the classes are in English and the other time they are in Spanish and it doesn't matter if the kids can speak and understand the language or not.

This is just the beginning and I fear the worst is yet to come. Especially if we get a Moslem in the White House.

Posted by: Mark at March 11, 2008 12:11 PM

Thanks John & WT. As usual most Americans aren't paying attention.

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~ Dante

Nothing could be more true for the Swedish people, Norway and Sweden were united in 1319 under king Magnus VII, but Waldemar IV, King of Denmark, regained Skåne, the southern part of Sweden, and all the Scandinavian countries were united in the Kalmar Union under his daughter Margaret (Margrethe) in 1397. So it is possible that Vidkun Quisling could have been Swedish instead of Norwegian. For over a century, Sweden resisted Danish rule.

In 1523, following a war with Denmark the Swedes elected the founder of modern Sweden, Gustavus Vasa (Gustaf I) to the Swedish throne. Gustavus made Lutheranism the state religion, established a hereditary monarchy, and organized a national army and navy. Gustavus Adolphus , one of the world's outstanding military geniuses is generally regarded as the creator of the first modern army. He defeated Poland and conquered the rest of Livonia, and by winning a war with Russia acquired Ingermanland and Karelia.

In the period of the Thirty Years' War (1618–48), Sweden was the foremost Protestant power on the Continent. By the terms of the Peace of Westphalia(1648) Sweden gained Pomerania and the archbishopric of Bremen, part of the Holy Roman Empire. Swedish expansionism resulted, in 1658, in the recapture of the southern Swedish provinces that Denmark had retained since the early 16th century.

The Great Northern War which took place between 1700 and 1721 brought the end of the Swedish Empire. It was fought between a coalition of Russia, Denmark-Norway, Saxony and Sweden, which was helped by the Ottoman Empire.

The war began as a coordinated attack on Sweden by the coalition in 1700 and ended in 1721 with the Treaty of Nystad and the Stockholm treaties. Russia supplanted Sweden as the dominant Power on the Baltic Sea and became a major player in European politics. The Russo-Swedish War of 1788–90, known as Gustav III's Russian War in Sweden and as Catherine II's Swedish War in Russia, was fought between Sweden and Russia from June 1788 to August 1790 the war was initiated by the king who ended parliamentary rule in 1772, autocrat King Gustav III of Sweden for domestic political reasons, as he believed that a short war would leave the opposition no recourse but to support him.

During the Napoleonic Wars during Napoleon Bonaparte's imperial rule over France (1805–1815) Sweden was part of an alliance organized against Napoleon's French Empire in 1806–1807, after the Napoleonic war Sweden has remained neutral. It begs the question of why, when they stood to be invaded and held hostage in both wars?

Sweden has had a policy of neutrality that is a century old, they have enjoyed peace and prosperity at the cost of the benevolence of other nations who have sent their youth to bleed and die for their freedom in the world, both at times when the entire world was engulfed in total war.

Sweden was neutral during World War I a national policy since the end of the Napoleonic Wars that was maintained during World War II, that policy has paid off handsomely for the Muzzies.

Can we blame ourselves for the plight of Europe? The U.S. has backed their security since the hostilities of 1945 ended and all through out the Cold War.

If you love your freedom and your country you have to fight to protect it.

Posted by: Jack at March 11, 2008 04:08 PM

Lynn I agree, they saw it comoing and did nothing to stop it. I pray so much that we do not fall into this same thing. All of us know better but there are a lot of stupid PC people out there. yikes

Posted by: Wild Thing at March 11, 2008 06:42 PM

Tom, yes that is so true.

Even years ago I got lost while driving back from modeling assigment, it was getting very late and almost dark outside and I was terrified because I was getting deeper into a neighborhood I knew I did not belong in. Finally I saw a policeman in his car and I asked him to please help me get back on the freeway. Thank God he was so nice and led the way for me.

Posted by: Wild Thing at March 11, 2008 06:45 PM

Mark oh my gosh I didn't know that, how awful.

Posted by: Wild Thing at March 11, 2008 06:47 PM

Jack thank you so much for that information. I didn't know that at all.

Posted by: Wild Thing at March 11, 2008 06:53 PM