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March 05, 2008
Michelle Obama is Not Proud of Her Country AGAIN !

Susan Estridge: “Hillary looked great tonight. Barack Obama looked good, but tonight he was not born in the manger.”
John McCain has Won the Republican Nomination for President
Huckabee has just dropped out of the race.
B. HUSSEIN Obama wins Vermont.
Hillary wins Rode Island.
Hillary wins Ohio.
Hillary wins Texas.
She finally won something so now she stays in and keeps the heat on Obama. The longer Hillary stays in the race, the more the demorats will be divided and get nasty with each other.
GOP voters crossing over in large numbers
Poll watchers throughout Ohio are noting large numbers of Republican voters crossing over to vote in the Democratic Primary between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.In the Republican roost of Chagrin Falls, veteran poll worker Liz McFadden was amazed at the number of people jumping the party's ship. Democrats accounted for 70 percent of the voters in her precinct, one of seven at the village's high school.
"That's a complete reversal of what it normally is, even more so," she said. "I've never seen a switch like this."
The defectors had motives both pure and sinister.
One woman voted for Clinton in hopes of delivering John McCain a weaker debate opponent. Another picked Obama because her vote could help deny Clinton and her husband a return trip to the White House.
A 69-year-old Catholic nun, Sister Ann Marie, was converted to the Clinton camp because of the former first lady's experience. John Baggett, another ex-Republican for Clinton, said he simply wanted to switch, and Clinton represented a known commodity.
"I'm happy with Republicans, in general," Baggett, 50, said. "I don't believe they've done a good job the last eight years."
In Strongsville, middle-aged couple Lucy and Pete See -- longtime Republicans -- both voted for Hillary Clinton. "I like that she has more experience in foreign affairs," Pete See said. "The Republican candidate was older than me.
Lucy See said she voted for Clinton as well. "I want to be part of makiing history," she said.
In North Ridgeville, pollworkers said that by noon nearly 50 Rebublicans had switched to vote Democrat, the highest crossover since the 2000 election.
Voter interest was so high that a line was forming just after 6 a.m. at the polling site, the party room of the Ridgefield subdivision off Bagley Road.
In Chester Township in Geauga County, also a GOP stronghold, Democrats had outvoted Republicans by nearly 50 percent early in the going. Geauga Elections Board Director Arch Kimbrew said that trend was being duplicated throughout the county.
Kimbrew said morning turnout has convinced him that his projection of a 45-percent turnout will be too low. "There are a lot of Democrats out and at every polling place," he said.
And there is this, they are already fighting...................
Clinton Camp's Conference Call Surprise
Howard Wolfson, communications director, acknowledged the “chaotic” nature of the caucus system but said that what was happening in Texas “is not typical. It’s actually quite extraordinary.”
The Clinton campaign said they had received hundreds of complaints to support their allegations. But they said they wouldn’t be taking any legal action Tuesday evening. Rather, the call with reporters was intended to “draw attention” to the issue.
Campaign officials got a surprise when they opened the conference call to questions. Instead of a reporter, they heard the voice of Bob Bauer, a legal adviser to the Obama campaign. Bauer accused the Clinton campaign of being anti-caucus, citing complaints from Iowa, where Clinton came in third, and a lawsuit the campaign filed in Nevada, a caucus state that Clinton, in fact, won.
Wolfson thanked him for his participation, denied his allegations and said that next time the Obama campaign held a phone call that they would look forward to being part of it. Woflson described Bauer as “someone we all know” and said he was “attempting a vigorous defense of the indefensible.”
The exchange between Bauer and the Clinton staff just CLICK HERE, it is near the top of the page.
Posted by Wild Thing at March 5, 2008 02:55 AM
Oh boy, does this mean they can get into the ring and duke it out?
Now the campaigns will get real nasty. But I think it's finally getting out what a phony baloney Obamanation is, but do we really want Hitlery in the White House? I think at least McCain can beat her.
But my state hasn't voted yet (May is when we get to vote) and us Republicans don't have anyone to vote for. I feel disenfranchised.
Posted by: Lynn at March 5, 2008 05:05 AM
Watching the numbers of voters for both sides on Fox, I noticed higher numbers of Democrats voted. I figured Republicans were voting Democrat for Hillary or just stayed home since McCain already had it sewn up weeks ago.
Posted by: BobF at March 5, 2008 07:29 AM
Wow.....just read an article where Hillary is suggesting that Obama and her may be on the same ticket but stressed the point that she would be on top!!!!!! OMG!!!! Almost sounds "X" rated!!!!!!!!!! lol OK children.......stop the bickering!!!!! And Michelle needs to take a chill pill and get a life!!!!!!!!!
I know what you mean Lynn......we don't vote until May in Indiana either!!! Be a good time to check out getting rid of some RINO Congressmen and Senators!!!!!
Posted by: John at March 5, 2008 10:39 AM
A lot of us crossed over and voted for Hillary here in Texas. Just thinking she would be easier to defeat. However, I think a Clinton/Obama ticket would be difficult for McVain to topple. Obama might accept that ticket thinking it could give him sixteen years in the White House. Dreadful thought that.
I wish all the primaries were held the same day across the country. That way all voters would have an equal say.
Posted by: TomR at March 5, 2008 11:24 AM
I just love the infighting, that's a mighty flattering photoshop of Susan Estridge, oops, I meant Hillary.
Posted by: Jack at March 5, 2008 02:16 PM
Now the Republicans are being blamed for Hillary's victory. and Rush is the cause of all this hate and discontent, afterall he authored this crossover via suggesting republicans cross over, ala the Democrats. The MSM is screaming 'Foul', why is it foul when we do it and not when they do it. The amazing thing is it looks like it worked.
But didn't obama campaign invite crossovers, come to our side for 'A change' ? Of course he didn't want them voting for Ms. Rodham. If it did work this is great news.
Hillary wants to be on TOP, hehe, when has she ever been on the bottom. I can't imagine being married to that woman, it has got to be a never ending nightmare.
Posted by: Mark at March 5, 2008 02:25 PM
Obama Democrats are pissing and moaning about Republicans crossing over and voting for Hillary. Thing is, I thought in America you could vote for who you wanted.
I've voted for Democrat Ike Skelton since I became a Missouri resident. He's VERY pro military and one of the strongest supporters of the 2nd Amendment in Congress. Ike is the one who brought the B-2 to Whiteman.
Posted by: BobF at March 5, 2008 06:00 PM
Lynn, LOL yes they sure will duke it out now for sure.
I don't know if it would be possible but I have always wished they everyone could vote on the same day. Like we do in November.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 5, 2008 11:50 PM
Bob I know a lot of Veterans that have written to me they voted for Hillary since McCain had it locked up anyway and they want to keep Hillary in there as long as possible.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 5, 2008 11:52 PM
John, Hahahahha yes it does. That is so funny what Hillary said.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 5, 2008 11:54 PM
Tom I heard from a a lot of Veterans that said they were voting for Hillary since McCain had it lokced up.
I agree that if Hillary has Obama for her VP it would be unstoppable by anyone.
Your right about everyone voting the same day like we do in Nov. I agree and have wondered why it has to be the way it is done.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 5, 2008 11:57 PM
Jack hahaha I had it saved for awhile and decided this would be a good time to use the photo shop and yes it is Hillary. LOL
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 5, 2008 11:59 PM
Mark, Yes Hillary said....." I think Ohio would want me on top". LMAO
OH ok Hillary hahaha
I agree Mark, Obama invited theh crosssover heh heh he just didn't get the response he had hoped for.
After the dems have had dead people voting and bus loads of homeless people offered coffee, donuts and money to register and vote for Kerry, I could care less if they cry foul. hahaha
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 6, 2008 12:04 AM
Bob that is interesting Ike Skelton sounds like a good man to vote for.
Absolutely we have every right to vote how a person wants and for whatever reason too. At least this election I hope the dems never take that right away from us in the future.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 6, 2008 12:07 AM
"Obama not born in the manger?" From the pro-abortion party of plus 50 million abortions? That's 50 million LESS mangers, birthdays, high school yearbooks, EASTER baskets and CHRISTMAS stockings! Wat to go RUSH and GOP crossover voting Texans! Let HIPS 'N Q-TIPS gladiate it out and we'll eat Big Macs and drive Ralph Nader Corvairs.... Rush was right, and Hillary will be better for GOP meat!
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at March 6, 2008 12:17 AM
Darth, love your saying ' HIPS 'N Q-TIPS '. heh heh good one.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 6, 2008 01:09 AM