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December 31, 2007
Fred’s Message to Iowa Voters
Fred’s Message to Iowa Voters
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is excellent well worth watching and listening to.
Posted by Wild Thing at December 31, 2007 10:33 AM
I am an Englishman following your election process with great interest,i have just watched Fred Thompson's latest talk to the people of IOWA.
The man comes across as a president in waiting.
I wish him every success,the American People need a man like him to lead.
My own country ,England,has been ruined by the "Democrats" (Labour party)in the last 10 years, and i fear there is no way back.
Don't let it happen to your great country.
Regards and best wishes.
Ian Hunter
Posted by: Ian at December 31, 2007 11:36 AM
Thanks Ian. We see what is happening to England. One of my new friends is an Englishman who moved to America to live out his retirement. He laments the socialization and islamization of Great Britain every time I talk to him.
I fear that America is getting well into this sorry-assed New World Order crap. A lot depends on this election, but we only have two candidates out of about a dozen who may not be globalists/socialists.It is not looking good. At least we still have our guns.
Posted by: TomR at December 31, 2007 02:54 PM
Great message in the video. Thank you WT.
Thank you Ian, my heart fell when I read that Gordon Brown had signed the EU Treaty in Lisbon on December 13 forfeiting the sovereignty of the UK. Most disturbing was the lack of media coverage and and even louder 'silence' on both sides of the Atlantic, not a whimper here and slightly more from the UK. Can we as a nation be far behind? It is a grim picture when we look at our proposed leaders, one who has the fire but not the support, another that has the support but not the fire, and of course we have those media darlings who are slashing each others throats in the frenzie to bring the lamb to slaughter.
Posted by: Jack at December 31, 2007 03:38 PM
Go Thompson in 08!
We are with you England!
Posted by: patrickdaniel at December 31, 2007 04:00 PM
Ian, you are a special gentleman indeed. And you are spot on with your intrepretation of Fred. I've liked him for years and we need a man with his convictions and ability to lead without seeming overbearing.
Glad to hear from a cousin from across the pond.
Posted by: Lynn at December 31, 2007 07:29 PM
The front runners of both parties got out of the gate too soon and are destroying each other in the process. People are already tired of them and suffering from voter fatigue. Hopefully, Fred Thompson can stay in the race long enough to catch on with enough people to win the nomination and general election. His message is the medicine this country needs to get back to the strength and core values of our founders and Constitution.
Ian - Thanks for your words of encouragement. The colonies may have broken away from the government of Great Britain but our peoples have a strong bond that spans the pond and keeps us together.
Posted by: Les at December 31, 2007 08:21 PM
Ian, Thank you for your comment. I do pray that England will come to it's senses. We here appreciate your military!
Everyone keeps talking about that "fire in the belly" thingie. I find Fred's calm steadiness so refreshing. But then, I never liked aggressive sales people either while shopping ...
Posted by: yankeemom at January 1, 2008 09:14 AM
Ian thank you, I pray for your country and ours every day.
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 1, 2008 01:04 PM
Thank you all for your comments and input I learn much for all of you.
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 1, 2008 01:06 PM