Theodore's World: Firefighter Stabbed -"don't want any gringo here"

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December 07, 2007

Firefighter Stabbed -"don't want any gringo here"

Boston firefighter stabbed

The Boston Herald


A Boston firefighter is mending from what could have been deadly stab wounds he suffered early yesterday morning when he was allegedly jumped in East Boston while off duty by a group of Hispanic males who told him they "don't want any gringo here."

Though police are not classifying the incident as racially fueled, the Boston Police Department's Community Disorders Unit is investigating. The 32-year-old jake, whose name officials were not releasing, is white.

Ironically, the firefighter's life was likely saved because he sought refuge from his alleged assailants at Engine 5 on Saratoga Street - the station house he's assigned to.

"Fortunately, those firefighters were not out on a call," said Boston Fire Department spokesman Steve MacDonald.
MacDonald said the firefighter had gone to Chivas Restaurant in Day Square to grab takeout when "six guys started exchanging words with him. He indicated he was just there to get a sandwich and that he was a firefighter. They pushed him."

Hoping to avoid a confrontation, MacDonald said the firefighter got into his car and headed for his station for safety's sake, but the pack followed him on foot. It was shortly before 2:45 a.m.

"As soon as he got out of his car, six guys jumped him and started kicking and punching him," MacDonald said. "He felt two sharp pains in his chest and knew he had been stabbed."

The firefighter summoned the help of fellow jakes by ringing the station doorbell and his alleged attackers fled. MacDonald said his injuries do not appear to be life-threatening.

"He's more upset about the fact that he's going to miss several shifts," MacDonald said.

Police found no suspects in the area, but urge anyone with information to call 1-800-494-TIPS.

Wild Thing's comment........

"Though police are not classifying the incident as racially fueled."

Then what, exactly was it?

The 32-year-old jake, whose name officials were not releasing, is white.

What's a "jake"?

Jake, a slang term for a Firemen from wikipedia

Where is Don Corleone when you really need him!!

Police found no suspects in the area...

Somehow I'm not surprised. If, however, the 'hate' crime has been the other way around (several 'white' criminals who stabbed one 'hispanic' man), the police would be moving heaven and earth to find the guilty 'suspects'.

Posted by Wild Thing at December 7, 2007 12:47 PM


So when a fire alarm goes off the Honkies just won't go there. put that in their pipe and smoke it.

Posted by: Mark at December 7, 2007 03:59 PM

If it was the other way round, six white firefighters stabbing a Mexican, it would be investigated as a Hate Crime and the FBI would be called in.

I'm sure LaRaza will be all over this to support the firefighter...yea, right.

Posted by: BobF at December 7, 2007 04:50 PM

Mark, yes exactly.

I will never forget how in the last riots in LA, Calif. the firefighters went into the area to put out the fires the gangs had started and one of the firemen was shot in the neck. I think he is ok now but it took years and years of physicaly therapy after a lot of surgeries for the injury. He no longer is a firemen from the last I heard about him, he is disabled now because of it.

So this kind of thing really ticks me off, they risk their lives to go to people that hate them?? sheesh

So I sure do agree Mark with what you said.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 7, 2007 05:11 PM

Bob, exactly, I guess we better not hold our breath for LaRaza to show up about this.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 7, 2007 05:12 PM

This is not the first, and it won't be the last, racial beating of whites encouraged by the PC and ACLU crowd who see nothing wrong with 12 million illegals and their supporters laughing at U.S. civil and criminal laws. These racial selective bleeding hearts foster the Balkanization of the country with it's resultant increase in racial and ethnic hostilities. Unfortunately, in their eyes, only whites commit hate crimes.

Posted by: Les at December 7, 2007 07:11 PM

Amen Mark. Once yours truly was in the volunteer fire brigades of two organiizations, one was fighting metal fires the other oil and structure fires, having been dumped on by fire chief Rotten Eagle I dropped out, volunteer remember?. There was a fire directly behind the fire station in a dumpster that the chief was blissfully oblivious to, I rolled up and moved two vehicles then backed across the street and waited until it was fully engulfed then called in "there's a far in yer dumpster chief" then sat backed and watched the keystone cops in action. Having been there I have the deepest respect for the firemen and the risks encountered, I'd be damnded slow in responding if I or one of my crew had been attacked, that includes being attacked by the fire chief.

Posted by: Jack at December 7, 2007 08:10 PM

Bastard cowards!

Posted by: patrickdaniel at December 7, 2007 10:43 PM

Les I think your right, we are going to see more of this. When they get favored in any way it is like giving them the green light to do whatever they want.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 7, 2007 11:16 PM

Patrick, I agree!!

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 7, 2007 11:23 PM

Not a ppep from Ted Kennedy either? gov. Mitt departs from office and the Mexies take over in Baaaaastan! Blue city and blue state, eh? Feliz Navidad!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at December 7, 2007 11:43 PM

Darth, yes not a single peep from Kennedy, he is too busy bashing the war.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 8, 2007 01:56 AM