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December 05, 2007
Bay Area Lawyers To Represent Immigrants For Free
Powerful Bay Area Lawyers Represent Immigrants For Free
Dozens of attorneys from some of the nation's most powerful law firms have united to create a task force that will come to the aid of undocumented immigrants, NBC11's Damian Trujillo reported Monday.
The 60 attorneys from 14 law firms have said they will face the government head-on -- challenging the legality of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids.
60 Attorneys From Bay Area Firms Offer Free Help
The list of law firms includes Dechert LLP, Wilson Sonsini, Skadden-Arps and Orrick, Herrington & Suttcliffe, according to Trujillo. The firms count Yahoo, Hewlett -Packard, Sun Microsystems and many other Fortune 500 companies among their clients.
The legal plan called for the lawyers to vigorously defend the constitutional rights of all people, including undocumented immigrants, Trujillo said.
Andrew Thomases said Dechert LLP, which represents Yahoo, and the other law firms would represent undocumented immigrants for free.
Andrew Thomases said Dechert LLP, which represents Yahoo, and the other law firms would represent undocumented immigrants for free.
"We do have the resources to help all our clients," Thomases said. "All individuals have constitutional rights, and we want to make sure the rights are not violated, and the government is not violating the Fourth or Fifth Amendment when doing searches and seizures."
Thomases said lawyers would specifically tackle violations such as entering an apartment without a warrant or pushing an immigrant to answer questions when he refuses to talk.
ICE officials did not respond on camera to the story, Trujillo said.
A spokesperson did tell the reporter that "agents follow the law on all arrests."
In a statement ICE said:
"As a country, we welcome law-abiding immigrants, but those who violate our laws and commit crimes against our
citizens should understand that ICE is going to use all of its tools to find you and send you home."
Wild Thing's comment........
Pro-bono, my a$$.
Somebody’s paying for this representation, but my guess is it’s some of their other big clients. Industries such as wineries (Nancy Pelosi owns a vineyard), agricultural companies like Tyson foods, etc.
The left (Democrats) is well financed in its efforts to destroy this country. Power is the name of the game and the destruction of the Constitution is the means.
The legal plan called for the lawyers to vigorously defend the constitutional rights of all people, including undocumented immigrants, Trujillo said."
They have no constitutional rights, being illegal aliens. We need tougher judges to throw each and every case out before these "lawyers" even open their mouths.
Pelosi's illegal alien employees
And this at Hot Air
Posted by Wild Thing at December 5, 2007 12:55 AM
Have any Bay Area lawyers from Fortune 500 companies come to the aid of law abiding, tax paying, legal American citizens to fight corruption in government? Or to sue race baiting activists? Or to battle anti-Christian groups demanding the end to Christian worship? Or to defend the Constitution as it is written rather than as anti American groups want to interpret it? No, it is pretty much a socialist, globalist, liberal agenda for these attorneys. And, as WT notes, they are well funded by the Left.
As to Pelosi, she is not worth the ink.
Posted by: TomR at December 5, 2007 06:38 AM
Here in Dallas we have a "Pesos for Pizzas" pizza
place. Is Californicata going to get them too? Will the lawyers get discounts at TEX-MEX restaurants?
Posted by: Senor Steve, CLC at December 5, 2007 08:12 AM
Here in Dallas we have a "Pesos for Pizzas" pizza
place. Is Californicata going to get them too? Will the lawyers get discounts at TEX-MEX restaurants?
Posted by: Senor Steve, CLC at December 5, 2007 08:13 AM
You can bet these lawyers are writing this off on their taxes as chartable contributions.
Unfortunately lawyers write the tax laws, all laws, and are also the judges that interpret the laws. Have you ever noticed how all laws, in some form, benefit lawyers?
Posted by: BobF at December 5, 2007 09:02 AM
You hit this right on the nose. NOTHING is for free.
Posted by: Robocop at December 5, 2007 11:42 AM
Just what we need more of, free lawsuits from already overpriced schysters, these morons can't give the country away fast enough. They are so concerned about the civil rights of ILLEGALS what about the rights of law abiding citizens who have to pay the bills they these schysters will charge.
We can only hope the people both demos and repubs have had enough of this illegal crap.
Posted by: Mark at December 5, 2007 06:32 PM
I wish you'd quit calling them immigrants. Immigrants enter a country legally. These aren't immigrants. They're invaders.
Posted by: Trish at December 5, 2007 08:05 PM
Tom, so true and no way too would they do it for those causes for free.
Lawyers for free? LOL not
Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2007 11:33 PM
Senor Steve, heh heh I can see it now, here is your Mexican pizza and chips for payment. And then like you said...discounts too.
Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2007 11:35 PM
I wonder how many of these 60 Bay Area attorneys or similar minded attorneys around the country are offering free help to the families of the estimated 12 Americans murdered by illegal aliens, 13 Americans killed by drunk illegal alien drivers, and 8 American children sexually abused by illegal aliens each and every day.
I guess in the minds of the Bay Area legal pond scum the constitutional rights of illegal aliens trumps the rights of citizen victims and their families to expect that federal, state, and local laws will be enforced to protect them from known illegal repeat criminals.
Posted by: Les at December 5, 2007 11:36 PM
Bob, yes and the way they make deals too to get criminals off from their crimes. grrrrrr
Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2007 11:36 PM
Robocop, we checked out two different lawywers to re-do our will. LOL One wanted $1,500 and the other wanted $150.
LOL I almost sent the higher priced one a get well card.
Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2007 11:38 PM
Mark, I sure hope so, I am sick of all of it.
Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2007 11:39 PM
Trish the article called them immigrants not I. I call them illegals.
Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2007 11:40 PM
Les your right, they are putting the illegals rights ahead of citizens. grrrrrr
Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2007 11:43 PM
Must be a blue state 'get out the illegal votes' election year! Reminds me of the Sorelosermen dispatching 225 DNP lawyers to Florida on November 5, 2000! Bush 271 - Gore 266. Too bad Uncle Al Capone Donuts Gore.
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at December 6, 2007 12:20 AM
Darth oh my gosh it does. That was soooo awful.
Posted by: Wild Thing at December 6, 2007 12:22 AM