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November 29, 2007
Plants From The LEFT Run Rampant At GOP Debate
Debate? Well I can't stand these You Tube Debates, it shows disrespect for the office of the President. But since it is the idea of the left to do this, that is all we need to know in how little they respect the Presidency.
Some stupid Muslim broad had a question, naturally about the war, ( Iraq) and might as well have had a sign on her saying she could care less about 9-11 or the sacrifices our troops are making for her fellow Muslim jerks. Moderate??? No SUCH animal!!!!!
Then another lowlight was a gay soldier, a sent there just ever so obviously by who pray tell?? Hillary per chance? Word has it the answer is yes, so I guess this is yet another Gate, might as well call it the Gay Gate via Hillary. The retired brigadier general Keith Kerr, who is gay, asked candidates if they thought U.S. military personnel were professional enough to work with gay and lesbian troops. CNN later learned that Kerr served on Clinton's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender steering committee. OH sure LATER learned?? With a-hem limp wrist Anderson Cooper running the debate, give me a break.
Duncan Hunter did great!!
Fred was especially strong on immigration tonight and did well overall.
RuPaul - This guy is nuts! 'nuff said
Rudy must have said the "I" word a gazillion times. I was going to count how many times, but it started to make me dizzy trying to keep up. LOL
McCain IMO messed up big time, letting the entire world know he does not own a gun. Even if he doesn't he should have omited saying he didn't have one. Also McCain's comments on waterboarding were absurd.
Hunters statement "I will never apologize for America" grew a big applause. The answer was to the question of a Muslim woman who asked how America can restore our image in the Muslim world. The so called moderate Muslim I mentioned earlier in this post. He gave a great answer to the gun question and even gave the young man a fatherly lesson on gun safety as well. He didn't bite on the Norquist pledge like the other stooges. And he smacked the Hildabeast planted gay general back in place pretty good. And did it quite respectfully, too.
Duncan Hunter at YouTube CNN Debate...these are some of his answers
Hunter covers illegal immigration, China cheating on trade, 2nd Amendment, never apologizing for America and homosexuals in the military.
I couldn't find a You Tube of all the answers Fred Thompson made but he did good as well.
Michelle Malkin has a lot of information on all the democrats that had their YouTube questions used last night. One of them a John Edwards supporter including a website she has with her wearing a John Edwards t-shirt. hahahahahha I mean this is just soooooo obvious what a bunch of BS this is doing it with CNN, the liars of the universe and Anderson Cooper who is a total joke as a human being.
Posted by Wild Thing at November 29, 2007 12:55 AM
"Gunny dad Vader... in WW II and Korea, were there any GAY marines in your platoons?" ...
"WTF son? Hell NO! Not in our fox holes... maybe in the Navy where they feel more at home (ie: semen)?" ... " Gunny dad...that's Seamen!" ...
"What? Did Vanna White sell you an 'A'?"
... and now you know the rest of the story!
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at November 29, 2007 04:21 AM
"Keep that BG Keith Kerr out of my cockpit right now Copilot Chewbacca!" ... "Major Khan to bombadier.... airdrop this brigadier general over Chappaqua New York asap!" ... "With or without a parachute!" ... Copy sir!
Posted by: drstrangeloveb52isok at November 29, 2007 04:36 AM
Sorry Chrissie, I didn't watch the CNN/You Tube stageplay, may as well have watched Democracy Now with Amy Goodman on the Communist Channel. CNN with Faggy Cooper as moderator along with the customary seminal stooge plants and the gotcha format are a real turn off. Besides what can the RINO's from Arizona, Arkansas, Texas and Massachuussetts offer that we don't already have? Socialism, Hillary care, more taxes and UN security!!! May just as well give Jorge another term to sell us out.
I'm reminded of a serious debate between the field workers and the regional manager where I used to work over dangerous work conditions, on the way to the meeting one of the red necks got reamed for spitting his skoal into an ash tray by a supervisor, he was the first one to get asked what his grievances were, his was totally about his most recent FU, that set the stage, the meeting was a total waste because that manager thought all of us were as ignorant as that friggin' idiot's petty BS. Just like those stooges, once the petty idiotic and irrelevant questions come out the debate is lost to the buffoons and it becomes the Democrats game of 'I gotcha' and weaseling, that dear, I have no patience for.
Posted by: Jack at November 29, 2007 07:43 AM
I like Hunter but his answers on the Right to Keep and Bear arms was kind of weak. He mostly referenced hunting and even linked the Army to the purpose of the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment isn't about hunting and never has been. Hunting isn't a Constitutional Right but gun ownership is.
Posted by: BobF at November 29, 2007 07:54 AM
I heard a small business owner, prior to the debate say, his customer base had dropped off by 50 % in the last year, so what is the government going to do about it ?
My first thought was why is the government responsible for your business and customer relations, and what kind of a dumb ass is this guy for even thinking that the governement has any business into your business, isn't it bad enough that Taxes are so far out of hand why invite the govenmnent to be even more intrusive.
This is the Nanny state mentality the democrats have foisted on America, that we aint nothin' without them and the Republicans are almost as bad.
I watched part of the debate, but wasn't impressed. There should be a third choice, Republican, Democrat or None of the Above.
We are supposed to be hiring a president,(Not a Bible-Study teacher, not a Nanny to take care of Us) and the interviews are always the same, what can you do for ME. The prospective candidates are constantly trying to please everyone of them.
Why can't we get an honest man to run for president to defend and protect the Constitution (As written) and leave me the hell alone.
I don't want their hand outs, and I certainly don't want them telling me what I should and should not do. Because what I do or don't do is none of their ***damn business.
Posted by: Mark at November 29, 2007 09:03 AM
More than anything this situation shows how deeply entrenched the Clinton machine and liberalisim itself is in the MSM especially many of the cable outlets.
Posted by: sierrahome at November 29, 2007 10:12 AM
I missed the debates, but have picked up snippets in the news today. One of the news highlights is the exchange betwwen Mitt and Rudy over illegal immigration. They proved that both have abetted illegal immigration. RINOs!
The muslim woman just proved that muslims have a narrow agenda(islam) and that they disrespect America.
Duncan Hunter will get my vote in the primary. I want to finally vote for someone I really like and not for the lesser of x evils. Ronald Reagan was the last candidate I voted for in a presidential election that I truely believed in. Hunter has no reasonable chance, but my disappointment in the socialist RINOs has put me beyond the point of being reasonable.
Posted by: TomR at November 29, 2007 10:26 AM
Watched the replay on C-Span tonight. A muzzie plant and a gay plant on screen and in the front row? CNN defined itself as the Clinton News Nutwork - period! And the blue state lunes are migrating to Florida as we saw in the audience! YOU TUBE = USELESS TUB OF DUNG! I LOVE Duncan Hunter now more than ever too but do the 31 Red States of America? Senator John McCain did well too. CNN SUCKS!!!
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at November 30, 2007 12:11 AM
These were all Americans,asking questions that need answers! What is the big deal? As far as plants, do you remember a so-called Reporter by the name of Jeff Gannon in a Bush newsconferance?
Posted by: Richard at November 30, 2007 12:36 AM
Darth, LMAO hilarious!
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 30, 2007 12:56 AM
drstrangeloveb52isok, copy sir, yes sir. Love it.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 30, 2007 12:57 AM
Jack I understand completely.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 30, 2007 01:03 AM
Bob, yes, not sure but I think the reason he said it that way was because of the kid that had the gun thrown at him. But I agree with you.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 30, 2007 01:05 AM
Mark, I know what you mean.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 30, 2007 01:07 AM
Sierrahome, you are so right. They in everything and oh how I wish we could get completly rid of them.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 30, 2007 01:10 AM
Tom, I agree completly.
I want once again to vote for someone where I can have some pride in him, and a good feeling in my gut. I felt like that with Reagan and I miss that soooo much.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 30, 2007 01:15 AM
Darth, Yes I feel like that too.
It really ticks me off how blatant CNN is, not even ashamed how they slant everything as well.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 30, 2007 01:27 AM
Richard that is not the point. But I am sure Hillary or whoever will appreciate your dedication and vote. hahahaha
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 30, 2007 01:29 AM
WT...ask Queen Richard why the Defeatocraps won't debate on FOX? "I wanna kiss Wolf Wolf Blitzer goodnight now!" It's a shame CNN was also finally kicked out of Israel too, eh? Bye bye Christianne Imma Whore!! Goodnight Richard.
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at November 30, 2007 03:23 AM
Who is cuter? Burka Babe Yasmin in Alabama or Uncle Fester of the Adam's Family? Now I know why Arabs can have up to four wives per life time. Yasmin would be assigned to KP duty 24-7!
Posted by: drstrangeloveb52isok at November 30, 2007 06:29 AM