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October 22, 2007
Horowitz's Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week-Oct. 22-26

Horowitz plans week-long war against rise of radical Islam
Trib Review
David Horowitz minces no words to evoke a stark image.
Asked what threat radical Islamic terrorism poses to the United States, the conservative writer and activist sums up his view: "One dirty nuclear bomb can ruin your day."
"They are very dangerous, the most dangerous enemy we've ever faced," Horowitz, head of the Los Angeles-based David Horowitz Freedom Center, said in an interview with the Tribune-Review.
Another chilling image -- the picture showing a robed executioner, the bore of his rifle inches from the head of a cowering, hooded figure -- illustrates a poster that's being distributed this week at more than 100 college campuses across the nation, including several in Pennsylvania, promoting what Freedom Center calls "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week -- Oct. 22-26."
Horowitz says the campaign, including speakers, panel discussions, aims to make Americans more aware of a growing peril to Western civilization and to protest customs and laws that oppress, persecute and kill women in parts of the Islamic world.
Critics say Horowitz and his team of speakers, which includes former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, are stirring hate and racism toward Muslims in general.
Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington-based Muslim advocacy organization, describes the week of events as "a collection of Muslim-bashers and Islamophobes descending on campuses to try and promote hostility toward the faith of Islam and the American Muslim community. "
Santorum, a senior fellow with the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a conservative Washington think tank, called the charge "a canard."
Anyone who fires back that merely discussing radical Islam is an attack on all Muslims is wrong, Santorum said. Such a false statement is intended to stifle debate, he said.
During his unsuccessful re-election campaign last year, Santorum frequently cited Islamo-Fascism as a form of radical Islam that he sees as an increasing threat to the United States. He warned during those speeches that Iran, controlled by a sect of radical Islamism, was working toward obtaining nuclear weapons that could fall into the hands of terrorists.
Horowitz and others -- including conservative commentator Ann Coulter, writer Robert Spencer, and Daniel Pipes, a historian and Middle East expert -- are fanning out to speak at campuses from coast to coast.
"It is to raise awareness that there are religious radicals who are obviously armed to the teeth who want to impose their religious law on everybody and who will kill anybody who gets in the way, who they regard as infidels," Horowitz said.
Wild Thing's comment........
I agree with Horowitz, too many people don't want to face what and who our enemy is. Not only our enemy but the enemy of the world.
Posted by Wild Thing at October 22, 2007 12:45 AM
Hooper of CAIR went to the same college as Senaturd Keith Ellison did - University of Minnesota (Muslimsoda). Stanford's Horowitz is correct that Hitler's Naziism is the same as radical Wahabi Islamofascism. Both want to rule the world (Master Race) and both want to destroy the Jews. The Americans wanted no part of Germany prior to WW II. Adolf Hitler foolishly declared war on the U.S. after Pearl Harbor was attacked on 12-7-41. Then WW II was on...
www.terrorismawareness.com (jihad&islammeinkampf)
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at October 22, 2007 04:44 AM
I bet this muzzie Awareness Week gets next to no major press coverage. Any news coverage will be slanted against Horowitz and his effort. However, this may do some good on college capuses. The theme of Islamo-Facism is so obvious, it will probably at least put the idea in many students minds who otherwise would only be lectured to by tenured Liberal anti-American profs.
Posted by: TomR at October 22, 2007 07:29 AM
It will take a scene like that in the photo, of US citizens being put to the sword, in this country before the people wake up and see what we see, by then it will be too late. These are radical underground movements that once they gain strength will openly and agrressively attack.
Horowitz was part of the former Marxist left camp, with both parents being hardcore Communists before his becoming a conservative American, he was associated with the Black Panthers in the 60's.
He knows what they represent and how they think and how they infiltrate and subvert, just like our Islamo-Fascist muzzie population does, it would be wise to listen to what he has to say.
Our enemies hide under the guise of free speech at our institutes of higher learning, openly plying their hatred for we as a society and as Americans. I can only hope David Horowitz also spotlights the Pelosi-Dingy Harry faction of the enemy within as a part of the muzzy Awareness week.
Posted by: Jack at October 22, 2007 11:35 AM
You are spot on, according to Horiwitz book , Radical Son, he describes himslf as a Red-Diaper' baby. His parents were devout communists.
Michael Medved was another one who came up that way.
Jack, David has a site that covers all the ndfarious democrats and more.
Posted by: Mark at October 22, 2007 10:44 PM
Thanks Mark, I do visit Discoverthenetworks.org, not often enough I admit, but it should be visited by everyone.
It takes a big person to admit they were wrong and I admire both Medved and Horowitz. Waled Shoebat is another who is reformed and working against the evil out there. We need more like them to ferret out the sleepers in our midst.
Posted by: Jack at October 22, 2007 11:58 PM
Darth thank you so much for that information, that is very interesting.
Posted by: Wild Thing at October 23, 2007 12:16 AM
Tom, yes, I doubt it will get hardly any coverage.
Posted by: Wild Thing at October 23, 2007 12:20 AM
Jack you are absolutley right, it will take the kind of photo you mentioned for people to pay attention.
An American and not only that but right here on our own soil in that same kind of photo.
Posted by: Wild Thing at October 23, 2007 12:25 AM
Mark thank you for the Discovery link.
Posted by: Wild Thing at October 23, 2007 12:26 AM
As if an American soldier never shot anybody like that.
Put the power of life or death in someone's hands (i.e. a gun) and it's the flip of a coin what they'll do with it.
Maybe he's executing a murderer. What civilized person would do that?
Enough already, it's late and the wine is fuelling my ire. It's cold in London and the air outside is clear and sharp. I can't say the same for my head.
Posted by: Nigel Greyman at October 23, 2007 05:37 PM