Theodore's World: ~ Welcome Home Justin Sharratt ~

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October 03, 2007

~ Welcome Home Justin Sharratt ~

Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt, center right, poses with his sister, Jaclyn Sharratt, right, and his mother and father, Theresa and Darryl Sharratt, in San Clemente, Calif., PHOTO taken .....December 2006

A note from the family..........

"The Sharratt family, Darryl, Theresa, Jaclyn and Justin, thank you for your unyielding support and prayers. Yes, Justin is HOME. The hugs were long and the tears flowed. We are fortunate and thankful that God chose to return him to us. We, as a family, can now look to the future.

With the return of Justin our ordeal of the past 20 months has come to an end. I assure you we will not rest till LCpl Tatum, SSgt Wuterich, Lt Grayson and LtCol Chessani are exonerated.

God Bless

God Bless Our Haditha Marines
Darryl, Theresa, Jaclyn and Justin"

For you Justin!!

Wild Thing's comment........

Welcome home, Justin! As with all the troops serving our great Nation, thank you, for your service. Salute!
And I thank all of you on here, Team Theodore for your support for these men and your prayers for them and their families.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 3, 2007 12:47 AM


Yes, welcome home!
Thank God you were cleared since none of you
did anything wrong.

Posted by: Lynn at October 3, 2007 05:21 AM

I certainly hope the rest of these Marines are cleared. However, I want justice done. I want those who brought charges and those who defamed these troops to be punished. Won't happen I know. But Murtha and Kerry should be publically called to task, and the JAG lawyers suspended from any more war crimes investigations. Screw all those hounding, soory bastards!

Welcome Back to the World Justin Sharratt.

Posted by: TomR at October 3, 2007 05:56 AM

Now lets see what Murtha is going to do. Hopefully he will be embarassed in court and in the relm of public opinion. And be destroyed like he tried to destroy the lives of these Marines.

Where is Harry Reid and Dirtbin, and Hanoi John, condemning Murtha for calling these Honorable Men Murderers.

Acusing someone of War Crimes isn't that much worse than calling Jesse Macbeth, who by the way is on his way to jail, a Phony Soldier, I would think so.

Posted by: Mark at October 3, 2007 08:12 AM

It ain't over until it's over, congratulations Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt, we are still supporting you and your fellow Marines.

The injustice is the fact that a JAG officer can bring trumpted up charges that are supported by an ass covering officer then all accusing parties just walk away with out being held accountable for their actions.

Mike Nifong just pulled off the same thing when he was given a token 24 hour jail sentence for ruining the lives of the Duke Lacrosse players. This is justice from his peers as metered out by the untouchable insiders.

Each and every Marine involved that has been exonerated needs to enter a civil suit against those officers, their muckraking by the Marine Corps has tarnished them forever.

Instead they'll attack the very warriors they sent to do their bidding then harbor and protect their incompetent deadwood just like they do in the Democrat party. It would serve us all if we re-read Zell Miller's "Deficit of Decency" speech.

Posted by: Jack at October 3, 2007 12:22 PM

Thanks for the link Jack. That speech by Zell Miller is a classic that should be heard at every Conservative event, right after the Pledge of Allegience.

Posted by: TomR at October 3, 2007 01:48 PM

Yes, thanks for the link Jack. It's even better today than it was 3 years ago.

Posted by: BobF at October 3, 2007 03:51 PM

Tom, I want charges brough too to those that did this to these Marines.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 3, 2007 11:35 PM

Mark, I want that so much, I want every one of those you mentioned punished for what they have done. I am so tired of the double standard.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 3, 2007 11:36 PM

Jack thank you so much for the Zell Miller speech. That was so awesome, I still get goosebumps from it.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 3, 2007 11:40 PM

Hunny Lee Ermey dropped the Green Flag here a few weeks ago and Lee would say, "Welcome home Leatherneck...the few, the proud - the Marines!
OOHRAH!!" From my Death Star II Crew, thank-you for your service, courage & selflessness and for our freedoms that we don't take for granted!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at October 4, 2007 12:46 AM

Darth,thank you so much for your comment.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 4, 2007 01:17 AM