Theodore's World: Stuff Your Face ~ New Gitmo Torture

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October 05, 2006

Stuff Your Face ~ New Gitmo Torture

Gitmo prisoners gaining weight

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- A high-calorie diet combined with life in the cell block -- almost around the clock in some cases -- is making detainees at Guantanamo Bay fat.

Meals totaling a whopping 4,200 calories per day are brought to their cells, well above the 2,000 to 3,000 calories recommended for weight maintenance by U.S. government dietary guidelines. And some inmates are eating everything on the menu.

One detainee has almost doubled in weight, to 410 pounds, said Navy Cmdr. Robert Durand, spokesman for the detention facilities at Guantanamo.

Human rights groups attribute the weight gain to lack of exercise. They cite accounts of released detainees who complained they were allowed to exercise fewer than three times a week outside their small cells.

But Durand said detainees are simply served a wide variety of food and are expected to choose what appeals to them.

"The detainees are advised that they are offered more food than necessary, to provide choice and variety, and that consuming all the food they are offered will result in weight gain," he said.

Most of the prisoners at Guantanamo picked up in Afghanistan and other conflict zones were slightly underweight when they arrived. Since then, they've gained an average of 20 pounds, and most are now "normal to mildly overweight or mildly obese," according to the most recent measurements, he said.

Even two detainees who have been on a hunger strike for more than a year are at "100 percent ideal body weight," from nutrients fed through tubes inserted in their noses, Durand said.

The calorie intake at Guantanamo is well above the norm for federal inmates in the United States, who receive about 2,900 calories a day, said U.S. Bureau of Prisons spokesman Michael Truman.

He said weight gain in the civilian system is not widespread and that most inmates "keep themselves in pretty good shape."

Prisoners at Guantanamo who behave well get more exercise time. The most compliant get up to 12 hours a week, including access to treadmills, stationary bikes and other fitness equipment, Durand said. Guantanamo officials say compliance is gauged solely by whether a detainee follows detention center rules and avoids causing disturbances, and has nothing to do with whether he is providing information to interrogators.

Wild Thing's comment.....

When the dems make us let them go free, it'll be easier to locate them, that's for sure.

Now let's see they will have to find caves with larger entrances to squeeze through. Praying 5 times a day would be way too hard to accompolish to get down on their knees and back up again. Hahaha

Posted by Wild Thing at October 5, 2006 12:47 AM


The torture is so bad, they're gaining weight while receiving some of the best medical care available anywhere.

I met a woman yesterday whose brother served as a guard in Gitmo. She said he hated it because they were treated so bad. She said the prisoners have all the rights and if a conflict arises, the guards are automatically in the wrong.

Posted by: BobF at October 5, 2006 08:00 AM

Bob that has to be so hard to be a guard there. Thank you for sharing about what the woman said.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 5, 2006 08:57 AM

Terrorists have it better than some of the vets I see at the VA across the street from where I work. Thanks a bunch to the moronic dhimmicrats.

Posted by: raz0r at October 5, 2006 09:26 AM

These guys don't know what torture is. They've never had to eat my first ex wife's cooking. A couple of hard burned eggs or her famous tuna noodle casserole will get em singing like canaries.

If that doesn't work, they could try reasoning with my second ex wife. Naw, now that I think about it, that just might exacerbate the suicidal tendencies they have.


Posted by: Billy at October 5, 2006 10:48 AM

razOr I agree they sure do treat them better then our Veterans.

The way our Vets have been treated has upset me for a long time.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 5, 2006 11:28 AM

Billy hahahahahaahahaha

so funny!

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 5, 2006 11:29 AM

Now when the Democraps get these terrorists released, these fat boys will be larger, slower targets when they return to the battlefield.

Posted by: TomR at October 5, 2006 01:25 PM

Tom haha they sure will. Ready aiim fire at the slow moving target. heh heh

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2006 02:00 AM