Theodore's World: Iranian President Applies for U.S. Visa

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September 09, 2006

Iranian President Applies for U.S. Visa

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has applied for a U.S. visa, according to State Department officials.

The fiery leader plans to attend the U.N. General Assembly meetings in New York later this month. Official says that the application, which was submitted last month, is going through the normal processing procedure.

Ahmadinejad is known for his controversial rhetoric. He has called the holocaust a "myth" and has stated that Israel will one day be destroyed. Jewish organizations have already begun planning protests to take place outside the U.N. Headquarters during Ahmadinejad's visit.

Because he is visiting for the U.N. meetings in late September, the application is being processed with the "U.N. Headquarters Agreement" in consideration, which allows for visits for government officials who want to visit the U.N. in New York.

The official advises that the application will be much like the one Ahmadinejad went through last year for his visa. His application will most probably be denied based on the travel restriction as an Iranian government official, but that should be waived, and he would then be allowed to come into the U.S. for the meeting, but probably with a limited 25-mile travel radius.

Wild Thing's comments............
"controversial rhetoric" that is what you call it? So Israel should be "wiped off the map" is controversial rhetoric, Claiming the Holucaust isnt real is controversial rhetoric?

Well God help us! Why don't we just let all these Islam freaks make the USA into their summer home. Sheesh!

Our government has allowed terrorists Former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami to come here. You can see my other post on this HERE. And our tax dollars are going all out protecting him. Helicopters the whole bit so he is safe while he is here. Just damn!

Posted by Wild Thing at September 9, 2006 12:55 AM


Give a visa to Mexico, and make him sneak across the border. Maybe that would wake the Bush Administration up.

Posted by: TomR at September 9, 2006 05:54 AM

Whoever had the initial idea of putting the United Nations building here in the United States needs to be shot. Americans don't want it here, especially those in NY City.

TomR, I hate to say it but even him sneeking acorss the border wouldn't wake this Administration up.

Posted by: BobF at September 9, 2006 07:33 AM

Tom the whole thing is crazy and I do mean it in the true sense of the word. A man threatens us and Israel and then he wants a Visa to come here.

I will add to what you said and say this. haha
Let him go to Mexico first pay the thousands of dollars that some of them pay to ride in the back of some truck or hidden in some van and come in here with the rest of the illegals. Or better yet he can crawl on his belly. Then we should shoot him as he crosses the border. yep works for me.

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 9, 2006 09:34 AM

Bob, I don't know why we can get rid of the UN. I wish we could just say we don't want it here and have them move off our land. I don't even care about those working there, they can go get a job somewhere else or move to the country the UN moves to if they love the UN so much.

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 9, 2006 09:36 AM

Because the UN serves an important function - even if they do serve it at the speed of a drunk snail.

Posted by: Suricou Raven at September 9, 2006 11:04 AM

Yes, Suricou, I agree the UN does serve an important function. The partitioning of countries in conflict, the spread of Communism, the spread of Islam, they've halted nuclear proliferation - See Iran. They've also provided protection for those poor Sudanese who'd die without them. Wait!!! They are dying.

Tom the UN was founded in this country by Communists for Communism, the New York Rockefellers gave the UN the 27 Acres for their present site, it was a token of love and respect, and not much has changed in New York since, Bloomberg, Clinton and Schumer will see to that.

With this last weeks debacle of Mohammed Khatami being granted permission to speak at Harvard to further poison the minds of our youth why not give Mahmoud Ahmadinejad an honorary citizenship. Ted Kennedy is the man who can get this done, he made exemptions for the IRA he can do it for the Islamists. Now that Vincente Fox is officially free for hire he could run for the next presidency, the Democrat Party's Constitution will allow that. Just get a judge to legislate from the bench and it's a done deal.

Posted by: Jack at September 9, 2006 12:05 PM

Club Gitmo calling!

Posted by: Sierrahome at September 9, 2006 12:22 PM

The asylum is being run by the inmates!!

Posted by: yankeemom at September 9, 2006 12:34 PM

Any of the important functions of the UN can already be handled by NGO's and the various charitable systems of Western countries. They do it all the time, and with less bias, cowardice and subservience.

If the UN was a private organization in any real sense, lefties would be gnawing at their tongues to do away with it, agonizing over the inefficiency, criminality, bloat, exploitation and corruption. They would hate it the way they hate Wal-Mart.

Instead, the left's conceit about the UN's "important function" is that it relieves them of the responsibility of actually thinking, acting, making moral choices, facing head-on the problems of the world, and recognizing distinctions among nations...good and bad distinctions.

The short explanation of why lefties adore the UN is that it makes them feel good. Maybe Suricou has another explanation. I'd like to hear it.

Posted by: Rhod at September 9, 2006 12:58 PM

Why not send Faux Kofffiiii to Geneva after all
isn't that where all the goody goody thing in
life hatch from,then sell the building to the
Donald, he in-turn would convert the place to
some very high Dollar Condo's...Its a win-win
for New York, the pain in the ass is gone and they now have a windfall Tax bonus...this is a
nasty smack but I thing Kfaux would make one
hell of a shoe shine boy!!!You know when he hang's it up for good....

Posted by: Tincan Sailor at September 9, 2006 07:07 PM

Suricou Raven read these replies and you can learn a lot about the UN and they why's of how bad it is. And who the people are that like the UN, those that are the horrible lefties, yes horrible because they are the enemy within that approve of the UN.

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 9, 2006 10:39 PM