Theodore's World: Moussaoui Asks to Withdraw Guilty Plea

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May 09, 2006

Moussaoui Asks to Withdraw Guilty Plea

Moussaoui Asks to Withdraw Guilty Plea

Convicted Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui says he lied on the witness stand about being involved in the plot and wants to withdraw his guilty plea because he now believes he can get a fair trial.

In a motion filed Friday but released today, Moussaoui said he testified March 27 he was supposed to hijack a fifth plane on Sept. 11, 2001, and fly it into the White House "even though I knew that was a complete fabrication."

federal court jury spared the 37-year-old Frenchman the death penalty last Wednesday. On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema gave him six life sentences, to run as two consecutive life terms, in the federal supermax prison at Florence, Colo.

At sentencing, she told Moussaoui: "You do not have a right to appeal your convictions, as was explained to you when you plead guilty" in April 2005. "You waived that right."

She said he could appeal his sentence but added, "I believe it would be an act of futility."

Moussaoui's court-appointed lawyers told the court they filed the motion even though a federal rule "prohibits a defendant from withdrawing a guilty plea after imposition of sentence." They did so anyway because of their "problematic relationship with Moussaoui" and the fact that new lawyers have yet to be appointed to replace them.

Wild Thing's comment......

So he got one look at SuperMax and changed his mind, did he?

Posted by Wild Thing at May 9, 2006 02:55 AM


For my tax dollar let's try him again, say in Texas, then carry out the execution the instant the bastard walks out of the courtroom. No more appeals, no more appeasement, no more monkey trials.

Posted by: Jack at May 9, 2006 11:39 AM

Hi Jack, I'll second that!

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 9, 2006 12:00 PM

As much as I wanted this bastard publically hung, the more I think about it , the more I like the idea of about 50 years of isolation. No one to praise him, endorse him, sympathize with him. Just alone with his own warped mind and 4 close walls that don't give a rats ass about his martyrdom.

I hope the staff slip him pork products once in a while, then tell him about it later. And tease him with misdirections toward Mecca.

Posted by: TomR at May 9, 2006 12:42 PM

haha love the pork rinds idea and get him confused which way toward Mecca.

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 9, 2006 01:34 PM

I really think they ought to free the guy but on one condition. The condition of his freedom is first he would have to be placed in a large room with surviving male family members of those who died on 9/11. Their would be no police, security, or bleeding hearts, only the family members. If he survives the “meeting” he would be free to go. I think this meeting would save the American Taxpayers millions and put an end to this offspring of a dog.

Posted by: BobF at May 9, 2006 03:02 PM

Whatever happend to a "fair trial and a proper hangin'"

Posted by: Sierrahome at May 9, 2006 05:01 PM

Bob that is an excellent idea.

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 9, 2006 07:35 PM

Sierrahome ...."fair trial and a proper hangin'"...gone, bring back the old west and real justice.

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 9, 2006 07:36 PM

Just a thought..... It seems to me that when the judge sentenced this person, whom I think you'd all agree that, as a person, deserved a fair trial, that the judge's ruling would be permanent..... OK,... so maybe he is not human, that aside, the judge said, and I may be paraphrasing here, "You're done, you're toast, we will never hear, or care to hear from you again. You lost, you're dead, we will not even waste one more second of our collective time on you're useless, pathetic, sorry sack of shit, waste of good oxygen that, by the way, will be used to fan the fires of you're kind's funeral pyre. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya."

So, why is everybody talking about this scumbag?....Let's focus,....on the next Islamic fundementalist schmuck, shall we......Allahu Fubar, Allahu Fubar, Allahu Fubar !!!!!


P.S. I hope that didn't offend anyone.
P.S.S Except any piece of human garbage that has any sympathy or excuses for this biological collection of Allah excrement.

If so, feel free to contact me and we can discuss this further.

Billy again

Posted by: billy at May 9, 2006 10:56 PM

Billy ((hug)) you did not offend at all. Loved your post.

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 9, 2006 11:51 PM