Theodore's World: I Am So Proud Of All Of You!

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March 29, 2006

I Am So Proud Of All Of You!

This last Saturday I sent out and email about an event at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts where Hanoi Jane is to be a guest speaker on April 4th, 2006. I sent the email to all the Veterans I know that have email address's and non Veteran friends that I thought would like to know about what was going on.

Your response was awesome and I want you to know that I love your passion and your letters to that place were beyond fantastic!! And thanks to LindaSOG for sending me the link about it and to SondraK for her post about it. We all got the word out and had our say and it was like a mighty force.

They say they still are going to let Fonda speak but we DID make a difference. You never know the ones that did not answer if they were bothered by our being upset and that is my hope too. That they will have a sick feeling knowing how pissed off we all are and how they have crossed the line in giving Fonda credibility in any way. Always know that even if changes are not made by the higher ups there are those that might be moved or touched so much that in their hearts might one day or now realize what a traitor she is to our Veterans, to our military and our POW's.

Thank you I love you all !
Wild Thing

Posted by Wild Thing at March 29, 2006 12:17 AM

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Wild Thing .........damn, damn, damn, you got a way with words. I went on the site and gave them a piece of my mind as the director of the place. Can't believe they'd do this and I can believe they'll be hearing a whole lot of boooooos about it as well.

I'm continually amazed at your creativity and doggedness. More people need to become involved, particularly for those 'youngsters' who are now experiencing what we experienced during the Vietnam years.

You being there made a difference those of us guys will never forget. Glad I got to be your pilot on your second trip. Good memories huh girl! Wild ones like your name on here and you sure had some nerve still do don't ya. I love it!

I totally hate and abhor Kerry and Fonda for the
piece of shit that they are. I can remember listening to Kerry's 1971 testimony
and feeling my skin crawl. Knowing that there were still folks fighting and still folks in prison cells across Vietnam. Speak nothing of the many friends that I lost from my company in Vietnam. Little did I know then that his words were used against those in captivity and used against those of us who'd fought in Vietnam.

Thanks again for the heads up and for staying in touch.

Posted by: Tim at March 29, 2006 01:15 AM

Chrissie between this and your post about telling Fonda off outside your gym I sit here with tears in my eyes. You never gave up back in 68 and the rest your travels to Nam and you are still at it today. God bless you my friend!

I wrote a note to the place.

Swift Boat Sailors

Posted by: Jim at March 29, 2006 01:51 AM

Guess what we love you to. Veterans know who care about them and you passion is an inspiration.God Bless you and your family

Posted by: Jack Hamilton at March 29, 2006 04:34 AM

I sent the salient E's to the headquarters of Rolling Thunder, the VFW, and the American legion.
Hopefully they will get the word out and that will
create more E's flooding the despicable people at that center. Even after this thing is over I think we should start working on the the taxpayer dollars that I'm sure are being sent to that place. Track down how much money is involved and then start flooding the creeps in Congress that okay such abuse of our taxes. As the old saying goes "follow the money".

Also it should be easy enough to find out her schedule. That way we can target places that glorify her and hopefully win a battle here and there.

I was hoping SK would put your info up top and leave it there til 04/05/06.

Posted by: SparkS at March 29, 2006 06:39 AM

Why is this treasonous witch still able to breath good, clean, American air? The same applies to J. F*$#%)g Kerry.

Posted by: DE644 at March 29, 2006 03:24 PM

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