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January 07, 2006
Largest Troop Deployment from CT to Head to Afghanistan
from Eyewitness News
NEW HAVEN (AP) -- The largest troop deployment from Connecticut is scheduled for this weekend as 500 Connecticut National Guardsmen head out.On Saturday, they will be bused to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where they will spend three to five weeks in training. From there, they will be deployed to help rebuild Afghanistan.
The 500 soldiers and members of their families were given a send-off last night at Yale University's Payne-Whitney Gymnasium.
The Connecticut National Guard says it's represents the largest deployment of Connecticut guardsmen since the start of the war on terrorism in 2001.
The 500 troops come from 135 of Connecticut's 169 municipalities. No Connecticut National Guardsmen are currently in Afghanistan, but 46 are serving in Iraq.
Wild Thing's comment.............. God Bless each and every one of them and keep them safe.

Posted by Wild Thing at January 7, 2006 01:27 AM
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Thank You Connecticut for your 500 loyal Americans going off to defend America, and, the free world that will not defend itself
Posted by: TomR at January 7, 2006 10:54 PM
Thank you Tom well said!!
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 8, 2006 12:25 AM
I live in Connecticut, one of the more silly and insignificant outposts of leftism on the Eastern Seaboard. These guys (and ladies) are going to Bragg and will be backing up one of my sons in the 82nd in Afghanistan. I never thought it was right to send Guardsman abroad in this way, but they aren't complaining. I know what Joe Lieberman will say about this. The question is, how will the dimwitted Chris Dodd explain this to Damp Teddy?
Posted by: Rhod at January 8, 2006 05:48 PM
Oh man Chris Dodd now there is another freakazoid. I can't help it, they just anger me so much. I love Conn. it is such a beautiful State. I used to live in Calif. before moving to Florida so I know what it is like to be infested with liberals.ugh
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 8, 2006 07:02 PM