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December 12, 2005
Reuters Photographers Go That Extra Mile to Degrade Military
I just came back online after several days of feeling icky with a stupid cold that turned into pneumonia.......UGH!
Now is that bad timing or what........ haha, I am new at this Blogging stuff and LOVE it, going gung ho with it and all that and k-pow get knocked out with icky pneumonia. haha At least it is easier to cure then cold. Feeling better now so look out liberals..........Wild Thing is back!!!!
I saw this at Beth's MVRWC this morning and absolutely have to make it first post back from the world of sleeping and coughing.

the main crossing between Jerusalem and the
West Bank city of Ramallah on December 9, 2005.
(Ammar Awad/Reuters)
Ok, so you are a photographer, and your job for the day is to capture the cruelty of an Israeli checkpoint leading into Jerusalem. You show up, but nothing much is really happening. So do you pack it in and call your boss to tell him there wasn't any cruelty to record today?
Please continue on reading here................Abba Gav......Thank you Abba Gav!!
And a Thanks Hat Tip to MVRWC
Wild Thing's comment........ Reuters is disgusting how they intentionally attack our American Troops, also the IDF.................anyone that is fighting terrorists! They might as well call themselves allah mohammad Reuters for pete's sake! They can't even do it in a sly way, no, they do it right out in the open, big as life.....hey everyone look how terrible the troops are treating the enemy. Look how mean the IDF is to the Hamas etc. Look how the Amerian troops just aren't nice to the insurgents.....poor thang's those insurgents. SHEESH!
This is not new for Reuters, photo after photo they do their vile slant on the troops from America and the IDF and if you notice they seem to love those that are pro terrorists i.e. Howard Dean, Kerry etc. ..............all you have to do is read reuters comments with the photos they have, they speak volumes of hugging up to the terrorists.
Posted by Wild Thing at December 12, 2005 10:16 AM
Glad your feeling better as I missed your postings.
Posted by: BobF at December 12, 2005 05:12 PM
Hi Bob, thank you so much. It was the first time I have been sick in probably 12 years.
Thank you for your kindness.
Posted by: Wild Thing at December 12, 2005 05:59 PM