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December 02, 2005
Hey Murtha, Our Army & All Our Branches Are GREAT!

By Staff Sgt. Carmen Burgess
November 28, 2005
"Because of you and your fellow Soldiers, 50 million formerly oppressed people are now free," Secretary of the Army Francis Harvey tells Soldiers of the 3rd Infantry Division Nov. 23.
More of the story here
After Murtha comment today ( he sure has a problem of not being able to shut up). I went to visit Jack's Army Blog. And saw this story above. Thank you and thank you 3rd Infantry Division for all you do.
Then over at Department of Defense News they were sharing about Sky Soldiers being honored in Afghanistan.

Three Silver Stars and three Purple Hearts were presented to the soldiers for actions taken and injuries sustained during Operation Enduring Freedom VI. This company killed about 40 of the bad guys during the operation cited in the awards.
Posted by Wild Thing at December 2, 2005 12:14 AM