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November 19, 2005
News Involving the SuperPatriots- Jack Idema

Mark your calenders, put a string on your finger or something................this is a good chance to hear Jack with his own words speak about how it is going. Thank you very much, over and out.......Wild Thing
Thank you Cao's Blog
Also tons of information here at SuperPatriots.US it is their index
Also some information at my PC Free Zone Gazette page at my own website.
Posted by Wild Thing at November 19, 2005 10:24 AM
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» Don’t Miss Jack Idema live on the air Monday from The Irate Nation
Don’t miss this–Jack Idema Live on the Air with Mike Levine at 5pm EST on Monday November 21, 2005. As a DEA agent for 25 years, Mike Levine has unique insight into the world of law enforcement in America. You will be amazed at the revelations you di... [Read More]
Tracked on November 20, 2005 05:10 AM