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November 12, 2005
France Waving White Flags

Residents from riot-torn suburbs were to march in Paris on Friday - Armistice Day, marking the end of the First World War - waving white handkerchiefs to call for an end to more than two weeks of violence.President Jacques Chirac acknowledged on Thursday that France must confront the inequalities and discrimination that fuelled the unrest.
The violence continued to abate on its 15th night on Thursday night under state-of-emergency measures and heavy policing, with fewer skirmishes and fewer cars burned, national police spokeswoman Catherine Casteran said.
Police, meanwhile, suspended eight officers, two of them suspected of beating a man detained during the riots.
"Things are calming," Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy said on Thursday on France-2 television. "But that doesn't mean it won't restart."
Chirac had kept largely silent about France's worst unrest since the 1968 student-worker uprising: in two weeks of violence, he had spoken publicly on the crisis only once.
"There is a need to respond strongly and rapidly to the undeniable problems faced by many residents of underprivileged neighbourhoods around our cities," Chirac told a news conference.
"Whatever our origins, we are all the children of the Republic, and we can all expect the same rights."
Finance Minister Thierry Breton said the government was considering relaxing restrictions on highly regulated service industries and business start-ups to help create jobs in poor suburbs, in an interview published on Friday.
"We have put a lot of money into the suburbs over the past 20 years," Breton was quoted as saying by The Financial Times. "But obviously it wasn't enough. We need to work on how to create more jobs and growth in those areas."
Wild Thing comment.....OK you know by now that I love graphics. I love the visual as well as the word or pen. haha So here we go.

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Posted by Wild Thing at November 12, 2005 12:22 AM
The frog makes it.... LOL
Posted by: Greg at November 12, 2005 12:59 PM
I thought it was so funny too. And that French Suck wine bottle finishes it off. haha
Thanks for coming by.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 12, 2005 05:15 PM
Wild Thing, you have to send this French frog pic to SondraK. You know her running feud with TOaD, the Lefty.
Thanks more than bunches for your patriotism!
Posted by: TomR at November 18, 2005 05:14 AM
Hi Tom,oh yess what a great idea. I will do it right now. Thank yuo for commenting and also for the good idea. Have a great day.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 18, 2005 08:14 AM