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November 16, 2005
Cindy Sheehan Demands Trial---- Good Grief!


'Peace Mom' Demands Trial better yet ( 'Psycho Mom' Demands Trial )
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16, 2005
CBS barf-ola so called news
AP) War protester Cindy Sheehan said Wednesday she was demanding a trial for demonstrating without a permit outside the White House.
Sheehan also plans to revive her protest near President Bush's Texas ranch during Thanksgiving week, despite new county ordinances banning roadside camping.
Sheehan and other anti-war activists arrested with her Sept. 26 in Washington conducted a news conference in front of the federal courthouse Wednesday before heading to a court appearance on the misdemeanor charge.
Sheehan, whose 24-year-old soldier son Casey was killed in Iraq last year, said "2,062 people have been killed as of today in this monstrosity."
She and more than 300 others were arrested as they gathered near an entrance to the White House grounds. Each carried a board bearing the name of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq.
The arrests outside the White House concluded a weekend of protests that drew over 100,000 anti-war activists, and a smaller group of counter-protesters. It was the largest anti-war demonstration since the Vietnam War.
Those arrested got $50 tickets and authorities charged them with protesting without a permit. All were released.
In Texas next week, Sheehan and at least a dozen supporters are prepared to be arrested as they return to the makeshift campsite along the road leading to Bush's ranch, where he is expected to spend the holiday.
"It is critical for our democracy that we continue to ask the same questions that Cindy Sheehan asked this summer: What is the noble cause for the war with Iraq, and at what point do we say enough bloodshed has happened?" Hadi Jawad, co-founder of the Crawford Peace House, said Tuesday.
Bush defends the decision to go into Iraq in 2003, citing the threat posed by Saddam Hussein. The president says troops will remain in Iraq as long as necessary.
Sheehan was not arrested during her 26-day vigil that coincided with Bush's working vacation at his ranch just outside Crawford.
But dozens of residents in the rural area complained of noise and traffic congestion as the protesters pitched tents in shallow ditches about 2 miles away from the ranch. Some traffic was from counter protests of hundreds of Bush supporters who said Sheehan's group was hurting troop morale.
A month later, McLennan County commissioners approved the new ordinances, which prohibit parking on parts of 14 roads near the ranch, roughly a 5-mile radius, and prohibit camping in any county ditch. The laws also ban portable toilets in ditches.
Wild Thing's comment......
Send her to Gitmo until we can schedule her trial! Then when she goes to trial put her up in front of Judge Judy!
There is nothing lower on the food chain than those in the Democrat machine! She despises this country and has openly said so. She described her own son's cowardly murderers as "freedom fighters." She is a complete and utter scumbag who is delighted - DELIGHTED - that her son is dead. She didn't like him and his death has given her the fame and access she has clearly always craved. Cindy Sheehan is among the worst moral monsters currently befouling this planet with her unwanted presence.
Posted by Wild Thing at November 16, 2005 12:10 PM
When she chains herself to the White House fence, I wish they would just leave her there. Let’s see how long she stays chained up when “nature calls”. Maybe a good cold wave will come through, bringing some nice rain with it. I doubt she will stay there long with a 40 degree driving rain.
She is a media whore, nothing more. She is bringing as much attention upon herself as she can by using the death of her son. She isn’t the first mother who relished in accolades by the death of their child. Some have even killed or caused harm to their children to get the attention.
Ever wonder why her son joined the Army and then again reenlisted knowing that his parents were so adamantly against the military and President Bush?
I sure like Judge Judy. She doesn’t take any gruff from anyone. Those other TV Judges allow their courtrooms to turn into a circus, not Judge Judy.
Posted by: BobF at November 16, 2005 12:50 PM
hahaha your right Judge Judy is the best.
I love thinking of a cold wave coming through like you said and ole Cindy Sheehan out there freezing solid! hahhaha
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 16, 2005 04:28 PM