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October 21, 2005
The Interview with Stephen Dupont (embedded journalist)
Jason has transcribed the interview with the embedded journalist, Steven Dupont.
"Stephen says that he does believe that the Airborne unit was burning the corpses of the two Taliban soldiers for hygenic purposes. We can get into rotting corpses later, but for our purposes here, lets keep it simple. The Airborne troops were ordered by their officers in the field to burn the corpses because they had been in the elements for 24 hours and were beginning to smell. Stephen recognizes that this was the intent of the Airborne troops, and it WAS NOT the intent of the Airborne troops to desecrate the bodies. As we’ll see a little later, the corpses were NOT placed deliberately facing West (toward Mecca) and that the corpses were merely burned for hygenic purposes.We also see that the PsyOps group, in the opinion of Stephen Dupont, who was also on the scene for the later psychological operation, did INTEND to use statements designed to imply that the burning of the bodies was to desecreate them, to humiliate the Taliban soldiers taking refuge in the village. The PsyOps troops are not playing patty-cake here and Dupont realized this. Dupont admits that the PsyOps groups understood that their role was to inflict MENTAL STRESS on the holed up Taliban fighters with the INTENT to provoke them into coming out and fighting the Airborne troops guarding the perimeter. Dupont recognizes that PsyOps is a weapon of war."

For the complete Update please visit Jason......"So what's really going on. . . (The Interview with Stephen Dupont)"
Wild Thing comment....
This is not the end I am sure, but IMO it never should have been a "situation" to deal with. Our troops are busting their butts in Afghanistan, Iraq and all over the world. They deserve better then to have to answer for every breath they take, every shot that is fired and every bomb that goes off. We are winning this war, I believe that. Sure it is not going to be over in a few years, and we will loose precious lives. But if we keep letting the media, the lefties run this war from their desks, and from the street corners around the world......the terrorists will win. Those that make something out of nothing, they are aiding the enemy.....bet on it! Funny thing though.....the Terrorists want those aiding them just as dead as they want you and I that support our troops. That should tell us all how stupid the lefties are.
Thanks again Jason for the work you are doing on this.
Posted by Wild Thing at October 21, 2005 10:07 AM