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October 07, 2005
Pelosi Statement on Ramadan- GRRRrrrrr
Washington, D.C. – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement in recognition of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins today:
“As Muslims around the world recognize the holy month of Ramadan, we take this opportunity to celebrate the contributions of millions of Muslim Americans. They enrich our country while deepening America's respect for Muslims here at home and around the world. As they observe this sacred month, they honor Islam's teachings of self-discipline, compassion and commitment to family.“As we celebrate Ramadan, we are reminded that we are a country of many faiths, and as such, we must continue to work to promote religious tolerance; our diversity as a nation is one of our greatest strengths.”

Posted by Wild Thing at October 7, 2005 10:04 AM
What a crock of $@%!. Other than terrorism, suffering, and death, name one thing that they have contributed to the modern world. Let’s even go back 1,000 years and can anybody name something that they’ve invented, developed, or founded that enhanced humanity?
Nancy Pepsico is a waste. How do clowns like her get elected?
Posted by: BobF at October 7, 2005 02:09 PM
I agree! Good name for her!
Posted by: Wild Thing at October 7, 2005 04:12 PM
I hope you don't mind, I linked this to Vilmar's Blog as I'm doing some posting for him this week.
Posted by: BobF at October 7, 2005 05:47 PM
I would be honored for you to do that. Thank you so much!
Posted by: Wild Thing at October 7, 2005 06:38 PM
No, thank you. You have some good stuff, very well thought out and written.
Posted by: BobF at October 7, 2005 08:41 PM