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October 09, 2005
National Porn Sunday October 9
LOS ANGELES, October 7, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Hundreds of churches across the US plan to participate in National Porn Sunday, a one-day event designed to start the conversation about the issues surrounding pornography, “America’s ‘dirty little secret,’” according to Porn Sunday creators.
The focus of Porn Sunday is to get churches and pastors talking about the issue of pornography and sexual addictions....More HERE
So let me get this right.......THIS is America's "dirty little secret"???? And I slept in this morning and did not go to church.....see what a person misses.I was doing the 7th Day of Rest thing instead I could have done the 7th Day of Sex....thang' .....heh heh

Posted by Wild Thing at October 9, 2005 02:56 PM