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September 30, 2005
My First Flithy Lie
How would Instapundit be different if Evil Glenn were a woman?
Glenn Reynolds Little Unknown Secret
Now this is a secret only Glenn and Internet Blogger Frank J of IMAO and of course Glenn's Nanny know. You might think it was long ago when he was just a child. But alas the confusion still goes on even today. Glenn’s well-kept secret, ole Nanny Lillylibber, who was brought into the Reynolds family to try and coach Glenn on the art of being a man. Much like Al Gore did when he had to hire a consultant to show him how to be an Alpha male.
With Glenn’s tremendous success in life it had become even more important to leave no stone unturned. Glenn was having a series of nightmares causing him to awaken in a heavy sweat and crying out…. “I am a man, I am not an animal! I am not a woman!”.
After much discussion by the touchy feelie , Kumbaya singing Nanny Lillylibber, it was discovered that Glenn had been dreaming of his fondness for little doll graphics found on one of the Blogs on the internet. There was some confusion however as to the direction of his obsession. Was his interest in the dolls themselves simply as something humorous and fun, or his wanting to be one in person, or was it to have a relationship with a small well dressed insignificant graphic in the design of a woman?
The pressure was on, Glenn’s MO was that of a man, with the interests of a man. If any extreme changes to his MO would occur, such as the lighter touch and more foo foo interests that women have, would the passion still exist for his career, for his well known Blog and his writings? What about his writings would they change in attitude? There were so many things to consider and so little time.
And what about Nanny Lillylibber was she up to the task? After all she was not called Lillylibber for nothing. A typical liberal to the core, passing the buck and wanting big government to fix all the problems in a persons life.
Glenn decided to check out some of the Blogs that are owned by women, women with wonderful strong opinions and passions running deep for why America is a Free land. Women that love politics, and speak out using their Blogs to rant and cheer along the way.
Lo and behold as dear ole evil Glenn did this, the dark cloud over him of the obsession of the dolls slowly was leaving his inner feelings. He knew that no matter what gender he would have been born, a man or a woman, that passion for right vs. wrong would still be there. That his Instapundit would still have come to be, and people would still be quoting him (or not) in the not so true fashion that exists.
Yes, life would still be good. Glenn glanced down at one of the doll graphic’s he had saved to his hard drive and smiled, letting out a deep sigh…. “ Nanny Lillylibber you can pick up your check on your way out. My beliefs and passions are just fine and they don’t have to be labeled by gender. I guess the labeling is back in the Liberals corner where it belongs.”
As he got up from his computer he murmured under his breath….. “I think I would look great in that blue outfit with the thigh high boots.”
(This filthy lie is brought to you by Wild Thing for the Alliance of Free Blogs- It's a filthy lie- please spread it.)

Posted by Wild Thing at September 30, 2005 07:55 PM