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September 29, 2005
Murder by Democrats not the butler

Democrats character assassination is a routine matter with them. Because Democrats cannot win on their own character and stand on issues, they have to degrade others with lies and slander. It is as normal to the Democrats to do this as breathing is to being alive. It is as simple as evil desperate to destroy good. And as devastating as ones life and what a person stands for being destroyed in every
way possible.
Democrats are well known for this. How could we ever forget the FBI files that Bill and Hillary had on everyone that just might differ from them or confront them in anyway. How many times in the past have those of us been on a forum and been attacked in a vile way by the left, threats made to us as we simply posted facts about the Clinton’s during their regime in our White House.
What does this say about Tom Delay? It tells us that Tom Delay, just by being the man he is threatens the Democrats and their agenda. It tells us that the hate from the left is so deep, such a part of their DNA that they probably cannot even sleep at night till they take him out, destroy him, slander him till maybe he has enough.
Tom Delay is an very effective person in the things he does, and the Democrats hate that. But of course! But instead of debate in a healthy way, instead of political argument and discourse of differences, the Democrats would rather seek out and destroy the character of the one that opposes them and is effective in what he or she does.
Tom Delay is a Christian, Bush is a Christian and boy howdy the left hates that. Hmmmm sound familiar? Reminds me of how Islam hates Christians and Jews. Islam wants us dead and their beliefs are delivered by the terrorists, the followers of Islam. The Democrats hate Christians and Jews and their beliefs are delivered by the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Move on.org and all the various hate groups that Sorros money supports. And the Democrats TRULY hate Tom Delay!
Democrats have nothing to offer America but a bunch of lies and spewing of hate toward anyone that has substance. What they are saying about Tom Delay is nothing more then allegations! They have no proof, NONE!
Add in the Media factor... the Media doing their normal slander of a good man, as they follow like robots on the road to Dem-dumptyville. The script written and delivered by the Democratic party and pushed to nauseam by the press and Media.
Ya’ want proof on a politician?
Senator Ted Kennedy, killed Mary Joe Kopechne then left her in the water to drown while he went and sobered up for ten hours.
U.S. District Court Judge Susan Weber Wright issued an unprecedented contempt citation against Clinton in April 1999, ordering the president to pay almost $80,000 to the Dallas, Texas law firm that represented Paula Jones and $9,484 to the Rutherford Institute, which assisted with the Jones case. The citation was for "willful failure to obey this court's discovery order," (lying under oath) while he was giving a deposition in January 1998 as part of the Paula Jones sexual harassment suit. He was also ordered to pay $1200 to cover the cost of Justice Wright's visit to D.C. at the President's lawyer’s request. This in addition to the $850,000 Clinton agreed to pay to settle the lawsuit. He also had to agree to accept disbarment by the Arkansas Supreme Court for five years.
He has been the most enthusiastic supporter of Israel in the U.S. Congress. He has stood with Israel against terrorism and international anti-Semitism without reservation or fear. This is a man with more moral decency in his little finger than his detractors have in their whole bodies.
A man who gets things done in Washington and the poor whining Democrats truly hate that.
The Dems know that if they can get rid of Tom Delay they can then turn their energies on stopping every policy, every bill stopped, and every nominee, halted and not get anywhere. It will aid the Dem’s in not allowing the Republican party to get things done while they are in the majority.
Ronnie Earle boasted at a Democratic Fundraiser that he would go after Tom Delay.
And this jerk Ronnie Earle is not even successful at going after anyone.
So no the butler did not do it. The character assassination blood letting is dripping off the hands of the Democratic party. And it is not only directed at Tom Delay it is aimed at all Republican's.
Posted by Wild Thing at September 29, 2005 12:41 PM